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Everything posted by Ima_ddicted

  1. HEY! Those are my pee wees! Wanna sell them to me please???
  2. I just saw your post Steph - I'll dig out the big one and measure it. BTW - I have a couple of 1" nine vanes that are very HTF. Wanna see 'em?
  3. Are the large Heaton Pennsboro Big Shot mesh bags with clearies and opaque game marbles worth much?
  4. I bought a dozen or so black banana marbles from Ebay seller rothbob years ago. They were all loaded with aventurine - exactly as he described them in the listing. They're awesome marbles in a good clear glass. However, they don't have the same shape as my Peltier bananas - they're a bit fatter and wider. I'll look in my cases and see if I have any other black banana shaped marbles. I doubt I'll find any but it will give me an excuse to put off washing the supper dishes.
  5. To see this in person would be a real thrill for me. It would be even better if it was affordable. A mention of their condition would have been nice though. And a count. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-Handmade-Marbles-Ford-Gum-Ball-Machine-/121779356936?hash=item1c5a9d8508 Maybe Tom Reed's listing? I'm out of the loop.
  6. Yes - those I do have. Let me go dig them up. Haddon?
  7. Yee Haw Shotgun!!! Love peewees! Wanna sell the 2 brown peewees in second picture - middle row?
  8. You're welcome Steph. This thread came up in the Google search.
  9. The obituary: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/publicopiniononline/obituary.aspx?pid=172639333
  10. Dad and I first met Robert (and Griff) at a New Philadelphia, Ohio marble show many years ago. Oh what fun we had! Even my Dad who was often crotchety around "young male strangers" took an immediate liking to Robert and truly enjoyed his company. When Robert was driving truck, he'd stop at the exit 30 truckstop here in New York and he'd give me a call. I'd go meet him and we'd enjoy a meal and a cup of coffee and we'd wheel-n'-deal marbles. Yeah - he carried his marble cases cross country with him! (I still miss the marbles I traded him for an old handmade guitar he'd picked up somewhere on his travels!) I just learned of his passing tonight. He used to call me every couple of months and I hadn't heard from him recently. As I couldn't find his contact info, I googled for it. I sure didn't expect to find his obituary. I felt like I was punched in the gut. And his picture brought back so many wonderful memories. Rest well Robert. I am really going to miss you friend.
  11. Another pic of the two peewees in their orig. box. Some 5/8" marbles around it for comparison. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/270941_4288294331939_1486982750_n.jpg?oh=3d9995c3ecbcbb09d7ce202de14e4f63&oe=5665BE4D
  12. Sweet peewees everyone! They're so darn hard to find.
  13. I have come across very few of these in all my years of collecting. The box I pictured was a very lucky Ebay find. Back in those days, getting any unusual cateyes past collectors such as you Al, Pinx, PatryD, auntbeas, mrshads, cwb300, cherdutch, biblefreak, the rev, etc. was a daunting task! (but Lordy how I miss those good old days).
  14. pollyestr2 - that is a magnificent marble!!! Here are some of my Parkersburg Gladding-Vitro horseshoe cat bags. They are shooter size marbles - around 7/8" if I remember correctly. I am partial to the grays and the dark browns w/ black marbles. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/577191_520279344690057_978734457_n.jpg?oh=ef72a9f393a17166e110e57e67c84e13&oe=566BA7F2 https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/577191_520279341356724_1442623667_n.jpg?oh=07f7bed4919bf474761ef110bdc7fea4&oe=56AB31D3 https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/577191_520279334690058_1465219779_n.jpg?oh=e96adda9965ae961af2148965888ed4e&oe=56618492 https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/577191_520279331356725_1580943729_n.jpg?oh=b42d00e665ae02dd14d6fafad4be70fe&oe=56AA96C2 https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/577191_520279338023391_705981139_n.jpg?oh=83bb68db2bdf80ca9509748d681559f3&oe=56A11804 https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/544203_520279788023346_1811367412_n.jpg?oh=76c218a8a60ce7a37bc5fdaa941d6289&oe=56614386
  15. Nice peewees everyone! Now I am going to go dig out my Masters, Alleys, and Ravenswood peewees!
  16. Hi Al !! My understanding of cloudies/moonies is that they have a foggy area not a solid white patch area. Also, all of mine are opal. when held up to a light or under a mag lite. But I am far from being an expert on these types of marbles. I just like 'em!
  17. Thanks Ric - I'm still after Pinx to sell me the coolest box of cats I've ever seen. Alan auctioned it off on Ebay years ago. As for my pics, thanks for the info. I'll see if I can go back and do all of the links that way! Happy Sunday
  18. An original bag of Barton's marbles. These are 6 vane 3 color cross-throughs and are the larger 11/16" marbles. I have several bags of these. They came out of the under cabinet of an old carnival crane/claw machine in Indiana. These bags contain the only true brown vane cross-throughs I have ever seen. They aren't a mix/blend nor a burnt color. They are a solid true brown. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/304103_4287164863703_1920689758_n.jpg?oh=33d1f749b6ff1c5e85406b8808c96b9f&oe=56A24D16 Close-up pic of the Barton's Brand 6 vane cross-through catesyes with true brown vanes. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/156314_4287174103934_1048387477_n.jpg?oh=b716cdc4937dc66e7ef1256e86481609&oe=569D9820
  19. Pink base glass catseyes - one pink base in an original Nestle's Quik bag. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/406080_4288257731024_1247210065_n.jpg?oh=a7a5ba353e4698fbe4ae77fbab824a5c&oe=566A273E A bad close-up of the pink base glass catseye in old Nestle's Quik advertising/promotional marble bag. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/734742_4288263651172_1128600390_n.jpg?oh=0fd5573101dd23d2918bd4baf56d8d53&oe=56605959
  20. I love catseye marbles and have collected them for decades. The killer rare ones aren't as easy to find as they used to be IMHO. A couple of store boxes from my collection: https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/385322_4286917217512_530472374_n.jpg?oh=56ae2f9772c1061488a954f813da82e0&oe=56A192C6 6 vane 3 color cross-throughs box: https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/408490_4286910697349_611650282_n.jpg?oh=20e58d4872edaaf49d469f42c7f7fafd&oe=56A10BF4 Here's a cool solitaire set with same run/identical 9 vane catseyes. This board w/marbles came out of an old Pennsylvania homestead. It's one of my favorite solitaire sets. Photo does not do these mibs justice. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/399027_4286661811127_587756522_n.jpg?oh=0dc08c755c64b686d9311fe0b2d7c6bb&oe=567361C6
  21. Let's see your 1/2" or under peewees! Pee wee with a wide strip of oxblood w/ aventurine. A bad picture ..... https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/185594_4287107742275_1414701320_n.jpg?oh=b54fb2421d8700dd0ca9115aa9abeb96&oe=566D47CC True 1/2" and under pee wee corkscrews. In all my years of collecting marbles, these are the only Akro peewees I have been able to acquire. Pee wee corks are scarcer than hen's teeth! https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/321492_4286897817027_829082892_n.jpg?oh=d402c4949e7b3313a09a34f855bc6717&oe=566D4462 A few cross through cateyes. 2 are peewees with their original little cardboard box. https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/555171_4288289371815_2060793885_n.jpg?oh=617be621484a87584e1cac547b52986a&oe=56A57E89 A couple more peewee cross-throughs (and some larger cross-throughs): https://scontent.fden3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/734692_4288277451517_852133871_n.jpg?oh=e4accec23893e2dc02d203385d0887e7&oe=569F7753
  22. Hello Pedidoll and marble collectors everywhere! (I also posted this in the Buy-Sell-Trade section under Pedidoll's thread but didn't know if it would be seen so posted it here too). I purchased this cool box of catseyes many many years ago on Ebay. They were sold to me as an original jobber box of Vitro six vane caged cats in moonie glass. The seller was a well-known marble collector who fed my catseye marble addiction on a regular basis - he did not collect machine made marbles. I believe they may be the "cloudies" you refer to? They all have cloudy moonie type glass which may be hard to see in my pics. Also, the sunlight played tricks and made the marbles appear to have a new marble oily surface sheen. There is no oily sheen on them in person. I love "cats" and have collected them for almost 30 years. The really awesome ones are getting very hard to find now don't you think?. https://scontent.fde...170&oe=56A75F74 https://scontent.fde...d28&oe=56A5943F
  23. I think I bought those marbles Don. I have a lot of metallics as I used to collect just those types. It was right around the time I was buying your bags of catseyes.
  24. Awesome marboman! I've got a couple bags of shooters and they aren't easy to find. Congrats
  25. Wow - that is fantastic Duffy! And in such great shape. Yeppers, some big bucks there. Congrats! BTW- see that FD on the fireman's hat and on the truck? Well that stands for "For Duffy" of course!
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