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Everything posted by lopacki

  1. Had some collectors approach me back when I was restoring/conserving old German hand made marbles. These images show a super rare large hand made someone contracted me to bring it back to life. If I remember correctly this marble was close enough to call it two inches. Truly wonderful I must say. Enjoy ......... Danny
  2. For whatever reason I did not take a before image or I can not find it in my old images. All I did was was remove and shape the excess outer damaged glass, there is still a very small area that shows a pop out. Basically I cut as near the color as I could in doing this it gave me the final shape. I did drill the hole prior to doing the grinding.
  3. When I was obsessed for a few years regarding marbles. One of the things that got my interest was restoring/conserving damaged hand made German marbles. I had a serious marble/glass bead collector approach me regarding me to bring some of her truly rare German hand made marbles that had quite a bit of damage back to life. I asked her to send what she need worked on and I would give her a quote. One of the marbles had a large chip in it that nearly went into the color layer. This said I told her that this particular marble was a lost cause. I told her I had an idea for something regarding this marble but I wanted to buy it prior to doing my magic on it. She gifted the marble to me because she was so thrilled with my work on the marbles from her collection. Once I had ownership of this damaged marble I got to do what I thought would make one of the most unique glass beads on the planet. The inside design in this marble is the only time I have ever seen such a wonderful colorful design. Bead measures 1.45 inch 36.6mm long 1.15 inch 29mm in diameter
  4. This is the first time I have been on the forum in about four years. Was totally obsessed with Greman handmades for a few years. I plan on getting back at it and will be posting some nice hand made marbles for viewing and sale. This image is a teaser of a group I bought about four years ago and never posted on the forum. Glad to be back ......... I also have some better machine made. All my best ........... Danny
  5. If I were you I would uninstall photoscape, Then when you reinstall make sure it goes to the E drive. You should be asked early on where you want the program to go,
  6. I have had as many showers as you have had baths. I truly dislike showers and am blessed to have a bathtub so big I can stretch out in it also it has no overflow so if you want you can fill it nearly 18 inches deep. Enjoy your future baths. All my best ... Danny
  7. Just looks like a poorly made marble to me. Maybe end of day on this one means the maker was tired. All my best ........... Danny
  8. Bloodstone typically has the red spots and this is what helped me come to my conclusion. All my best ...... Danny
  9. I think it is made from bloodstone most likely from India. All my best ......... Danny
  10. You will need to put an image up if you want some help on this. All my best .... Danny
  11. I think the most I have seen is 18 on a marble I owned, I sold it at Tucson last year so I can't count them now. I have one for this years Tucson and will count it, I don't think it has as many. This is by far the most I personally have seen .......... Very cool !! All my best .......... Danny Just counted the one upstairs ............. it has 16
  12. Bob, If this is truly an old onion skin the colors in it are different than most I have seen. Do you think these are perhaps a very early production? If so when would you guess they were made. All my best ........ Danny
  13. Matt, I have never seen these colors in an old onion skin, could you give us some details as to where you got it and also if you think it is old or new. All my best .......... Danny
  14. I agree with Bob, I have seen strands of beads like this in person and on Ebay. All my best ....... Danny
  15. Randy, I have a few of those and it is my understanding they were used in China on Miao baby carriers, to bead collectors these were quite a find if you decide to sell them I have an interest. I am pretty sure these were being made in the late 1800's maybe up to the mid 20's. If you go to Ornament magazines web site and buy Volume 36 NO4 there is an excellent article on these exact beads. All my best .............. Danny
  16. Rich, I too have a digital control on my oven. Never thought about a power surge doing this. I guess in the future I will put it on a surge protector if I am not going to be in my studio. At least you came back to a shop and not a burned down building as a glass bead making friend of mine did a few years ago. All my best ...... Danny
  17. I have purchased more than a few marbles from old nurse over the years always got my moneys worth. When she is selling as old nurse 85 the marbles belong to someone else, this said I doubt she annealed it and just got it consigned as is. The price is so far out there it is hard to fathom anyone would consider buying it. I might give 9.95. All my best ........... Danny
  18. Mine too instantly did not even look on Ebay. All my best .. Danny
  19. Gnome that was my first thought yesterday I guess I should have chimed in then. All my best .......... Danny
  20. I know that it might be a little over kill for most posting on this forum. But the best free photo editing software is GIMP, its nearly as good as photoshop which cost around $1000 and its free. I personally use Corel photo paint and have for years. I think once someone is over the learning curve any of the more powerful photo editing software is a blessing from above and they are not just for posting things on forums. I do all of my advertising and internet work with this type software and know that its pretty straight forward to make a large image small enough to work on this forum. I go to a bead forum that only allows images less than 176k and find it no problem making large images less than this size. I just took about two minutes to resize this 2.63 MB image down to 208k. It is an image of the front of our room at this years Tucson show. Please take the time to check GIMP out if you are serious about having best quality images on the web. All my best ............ Danny
  21. Jeroen, As I said I looked through all of my Germans which include those that I got from Robert (gnome) I even looked at images of all of Roberts marbles I took when I received them, none had black latticino. I know both Robert and I thought there were one or two but alas there were none. All my best ........ Danny
  22. Jeroen, I told you in a private email that I was pretty sure that I had one or two marbles with black latticino. Well I looked at every German hand made I own and there were none with the black latticino. I had images of all the marbles that I got from Robert when I received them and looked at them and again no black. I assure you that if I find one in the future I will post it here. All my best ........... Danny
  23. Stephan, Roughly how much sugar did you add to the water? Is it a saturated solution? All my best ... Danny
  24. Thank you Steph, seems like I have at least a few of these in my non bead stash. After Suzi and I get done with two weeks in sunny Tucson doing the gem show I'll take the time to post some of what I think are keepers and see what all of you have to say. Thanks again .......... All my best .......... Danny
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