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Everything posted by cheese

  1. cheese


    That's an earlier Imperial/Asian IMO. The seams look like Master but the glass gives it away. I save these type Imperials, they are nice.
  2. These both look like Mid-Atlantic marbles to me and I wanted to comment that a couple days ago but I am not aware of shooter size marbles from them. Anyone?
  3. It's SMM at that size and pattern.
  4. One of the nicest #200 boxes I've seen. Edit* It just occurred to me that this is already Thursday. The week is flying by. Oh well, I'll leave it anyway.
  5. Bulgarian was my immediate impression when I saw it as well.
  6. He does make up names. He doesn't hide it or anything, he told me he made them up. Somebody made up every marble name out there at some point.
  7. cheese

    5/8 WVS

    Looks Champ here.
  8. Some you can definitely feel it, no question. Here are some close ups of a couple I have that Chad showed earlier. Sorry Fire, I don't know who made yours. It's an odd one.
  9. On the tangent of chalkies, the story above isn't how they came to be. It was supposed that it was possible until we found out that the chalk IS the ribbon inside and out. A chalky broken in half has chalk on the inside. In fact, a chalky was put into an acid and it ate out the chalk and left a marble full of wormholes where the chalk was. I wish I could find a pic. The chalk was in the tank and coming out with the stream of glass. I don't know if it was a component of glass that didn't get mixed, someone goofing around with lime or something similar, an accident, glops of mortar that fell in during tank repairs, who knows. But it does go throughout the marble, not just on the surface as it would be from rolling on lime or a reaction from the ground they were buried in.
  10. cheese

    WVS ids

    St. Mary's Alley.
  11. cheese

    The jar

    I'd pass at 500. I agree, the Carnival isn't ideal condition-wise. I might pay 300 for the whole jar but I'm a little picky these days. There are some nice marbles in there and pieced out one at a time, they could get 500 but that takes time and time is money, and you don't buy a jar of marbles for individual retail under normal circumstances.
  12. cheese

    The jar

    Nice, it's a carnival for sure.
  13. cheese


    I'd say they could be dug but at Ravenswood rather than Jackson.
  14. cheese


    Unless they have provenance proving they came from Jackson I would not say Jackson for any of them. Really even if they do have provenance I would question its' credibility.
  15. I remember that discussion. I can sympathize with Ron in that discussion, he sold both of what he had to avoid the confusion.
  16. cheese


    Superb Vitro IMO.
  17. X 2, or 3 or whatever, I agree
  18. cheese

    9/16 WVS

    Good hunch. Alley did make transparent red base swirls, but look at the 9/16" size, which points to Champ, and the thin skim-milk white on yours and the thready falling apart ribbon, then compare to Alley's richer red, stronger white, and more solid ribbon here (5/8" dug at Pennsboro):
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