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Everything posted by cheese

  1. What size is it? I think it's Alley or Ravenswood. In pic #3, if you could show the area right at 12:00 a little better it might help determine the maker.
  2. We just got confirmation that the book will not be ready for the show. Sorry, but we tried.
  3. Nice groups of St. Marys Alleys that probably stayed together since they were sold. Yellow base with blue swirl on it isn't too easy to find. Some other nice euro swirls and sparklers too.
  4. I agree, nice flame. The OP marbles to me are calligraphies but the term has evolved over the past 10-15 years. When they are packed that tight and not all stacked in the same direction, it's callig to me. Refer to these examples of real antique calligraphy to draw similarities. Calligraphy isn't just about the letters.
  5. cheese

    Swirl I.D

    Re-read this again today and it hit me that you probably had the calipers on millimeters lol. I'll get there eventually.
  6. cheese

    Swirl I.D

    16.2" is bigger than a basketball. But anyway, this is an Alley regardless of size.
  7. I don't know the size range of the Scalawags. I see some online in the 5/8" range, so one 16th more is possible IMO.
  8. Nice marbles! I'd put them with my calligraphies whether they are or not. Pennsboro Alley. I didn't dig there but I've dug dirt from there. Still have a few buckets from Pennsboro.
  9. Might want to compare that to JABO Scalawags.
  10. Champion on the yellow/orange now that I can see it better.
  11. It was smaller, so it didn't fit tight in the roller grooves and it cooled down too much to smooth out completely as it went down the rollers. If the volume of the ingot was greater, then it would have fit the rollers better and probably smoothed out better. By the time the ingot passes 5 or 6 grooves of the rollers, it has already hardened too much to smooth out much more.
  12. Alley but no name. There is no Alley Green Goblin.
  13. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    Ravenswood made some with this weird orangy quality to the white but 3/4" is pushing it to be commonly found in RW.
  14. 9-28-2024 in Valdosta GA. Valdosta is on I-75. Lots of great places to eat, wonderful hotel rooms and cooperative staff. We expect this one to be larger than the last and according to the publisher, we will be able to have the WV Swirl book available at the show and Eddie and I will be signing copies if so. I sure hope so. Cutting it close. I will have displays of marble factory parts and pieces including the cateye crucible from Heaton, Vitro, and other cool items like the only WV swirl tank outlet known to exist, a veneering crucible from MK I believe, and examples of marbles from different companies. Come see us, we will begin in room trading Wednesday. If you reserve a table(s), you will get a coffee mug. Also check out the T-shirts we will have available while they last.
  15. 9-28-2024 in Valdosta GA. Valdosta is on I-75. Lots of great places to eat, wonderful hotel rooms and cooperative staff. We expect this one to be larger than the last and according to the publisher, we will be able to have the WV Swirl book available at the show and Eddie and I will be signing copies if so. I sure hope so. Cutting it close. I will have displays of marble factory parts and pieces including the cateye crucible from Heaton, Vitro, and other cool items like the only WV swirl tank outlet known to exist, a veneering crucible from MK I believe, and examples of marbles from different companies. Come see us, we will begin in room trading Wednesday. If you reserve a table(s), you will get a coffee mug. Also check out the T-shirts we will have available while they last.
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