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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Brown tracer on my screen. A spring sky is different. Here's a spring sky:
  2. Alley Stormy Skies. Much harder to find than the Blue Skies. Pennsboro. Here's some cullet to match. Looks like a snickers bar stuck in there, doesn't it?
  3. The ingots fall into the grooves of the rollers as they are supposed to because the cutter is timed with the rollers by chain or gears depending on the machine, but when they are super hot and if the ingots are oversized and/or the rollers are grabby or slightly mis-aligned, they can jump and hop in the grooves a little and if one jumps next to another and they happen to touch at all, they stick together immediately with the gummy hot glass and get sucked into one groove or the other. Sometimes they flop around and grab up all the other ingots next to them and you get a messy glob of marbles that the operator will grab with the tongs and pull off. But sometimes the operator is lighting a cigarette or something and a few get by. I've witnessed this at Dave's.
  4. looks like a PPPPPP to me.
  5. This one's not a Jackson. Sometimes I feel like I'm being bossy or kurt by saying an answer matter-of-factly instead of adding "I feel like..." or "I would put it with..." but some I am very certain on (I have Ron Shepher's dug Jackson collection, his big keeper case that we've seen photos of AND his ziplock bags of cullet and other stuff from his garage to study Jackson). I also have dug Champion marbles and examples from their storage buildings, etc.. , enough to have a very strong certainty about this marble and sometimes other marbles, so I don't want to reply in a manner that indicates that I might not be too sure, if that makes sense. Not trying to lay down the law, just trying to show certainty on my end. That doesn't mean I won't listen to arguments saying I am wrong because I have been certain... and wrong... at the same time Lol. Just felt the need to explain that.
  6. Here's an Akro DI. You can see the line going across where one ingot got caught up with another and rounded into one. this usually happens in the first part of the rollers. If it hasn't happened there, it's not going to happen.
  7. A few more, sorry some of them are so large.
  8. Ravenswood on this one. These RWs often get picked out of groups as hopeful blue lagoons.
  9. I know, I saw the earlier photo and thought, "this doesn't look like the marble I thought was a strawberry shortcake". And these other photos now very much look like a SSC. I don't see how it's the same marble, the brown is gone in the recent photos. If it is, it sure does establish a great example of how important it is for a photo to properly represent the marble when asking for ID.
  10. OP marble is a JABO. Maybe both here are.
  11. Nice Ric, you have a nice assortment of the types! Nice marbles Melissa
  12. Yes!! Excellent group! Those serve as a learning tool all together like that. I wasn't aware of the black type. Now that one is on the watchlist. Not like the inkys. Congrats on those finds, I forgot about the red ones with green tracing but those I also have considered to be closely related. And now you found these all together which confirms my beliefs! Thank you for this post, it is helpful!
  13. Here are more photos of the remaining sulphides and heads. All the ones in glass in these photos were done by hand, not machine.
  14. Also can be found in just the green, and just the orange (but the orange ones usually have pink with them) These are neat types and I consider them all to be closely related. Same glass and patterns found on them all.
  15. Tommy, we've got those pinned down as St. Marys Alleys. I really like that color combo, also look for a bluish grey added with these colors for an even harder to find color combination!
  16. Have you heard of the Vitro sulphides? In the 1980s, Vitro in Anacortes did an experiment, trying to make machine made sulphides. They made figure heads of Spiderman, He-Man, Skeletor, and I think Superman? They then attempted to color them and make marbles with them. The experiment failed because they weren't annealed and cooled rapidly as a machine made does, and they fractured. Don Miller (RIP) gifted me a head and had some encased in glass by Ray Laubs and he gifted one of those to me as well. Notice how much bigger the head looks inside the marble this shows how small the figure inside a sulphide really is without the magnification of the glass. Rare and special part of my collection from a rare and special person and I will share it now as he entrusted me to share it with the community. This figure is Spiderman. Oh, and those are Vitro Blue devils underneath plus a strange variety with green on the same blue cobalt base and then the 1 1/4" house of marbles machine Vitro Cosmic Rainbow to the left.
  17. Not seeing JABO. Second is Alley. Not sure on the first. All that background stuff reflecting on it is messing with me.
  18. Look at the one Dave 13 posted. Crystal clear base. That's required for the name. That's the only Blue Colorado in this thread. Just commented because I'm seeing others elsewhere calling regular MCRs Blue Colorados now and want to point out that the Blue Colorado is a very hard to find marble. These tinted MCRs are common and not the same thing at all.
  19. Good thing they didn't name a marble "chrysanthemum"!
  20. I came here to share this if it wasn't already. He was a great guy, top shelf among humans. I will miss him. We just talked a few days ago and were getting excited about the Marbles on the Beach show coming up in a few weeks. I could go on but those who knew him already know. Until we meet again Don.
  21. Rust ring from sitting in a coffee can. I clean them off with steel wool if the marble is worth cleaning.
  22. That one looks to be over an inch and wet if not polished and real. If so, that's not a $15-25 marble. Probably not $200 though.
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