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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Thanks Chad, those last three are mine, I got them all at once and figured I can stop looking now lol. Chalkies are so cool!
  2. Some cool stuff in this thread! Another, this is a Honeywell Brown Electronic furnace tank temperature chart recorder. It's from the Heaton/Bogard factory, old enough to have been used by Heaton. Also in the last pic is a Heaton cateye injector insert that would be used to put the 4 vanes in cateyes. Ron is holding it in this photo.
  3. I can't rule out JABO from the pics I see, especially at that size.
  4. cheese

    3 swirls

    I'd say late Alley on all 3.
  5. Maybe the outlet end of the tank from Heaton agate
  6. Right, that's loads of damage, not mica. Probably old slags beat to heck. They have been to battle a lot!
  7. cheese

    AV Loaded

    I don't know who made the first one, it could be foreign. Looks like blue AV? Master made some I believe, but not the swirly types. MK made some with heavy AV too I think. The swirl ones are still debated but mostly attributed to Champion, although that would be about the only marble they ever made with intentional AV if so, which is odd. Plus many were big for Champion. The solid black AV non-swirls could possibly be from Pelt.
  8. They are only unopened once. They don't make them anymore. I've seen people open bags of tiger eyes and rainbos just to see the new common shiny marbles. Those marbles that are worth 50 cents each if you can find someone willing to pay that. But the still-sealed bags have the value. They keep on getting opened and one day there will be so few left that the value will be up there even for the more common stuff.
  9. ..........no words right now. Been on the phone and this is still such a shock. From doing yard work to gone in minutes. Cherish every breath folks.
  10. Later St. Mary's Alley if you ask me.
  11. And some people keep trying to force a square peg into a round hole.... I'm amazed how often someone tries to force their marble to be something it isn't and they get mad when they don't get agreement.
  12. Same stuff I see in the OP and why I lean CAC.
  13. The spidery wrinkled cut mark and milky weak colors.
  14. Pattern screams CAC to me. Straight cut, tapered tips, the way it swirls... if this was another color I wouldn't hesitate to say CAC and move on to the next without pause.
  15. Torn between CAC and Peltier here. Leaning CAC mostly with the little holes in the white, the size, and the squiggly zig zag in the pattern but could be wrong.
  16. Japanese transitional here too.
  17. Messed up St. Mary's Alley here.
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