I generally try to mark it not only with the company and town it came from, but who dug it and when if I know those details. Most of what I have, either I dug, Bill McCaleb dug, Ron Shepherd, or Nola Morgan dug. Except for my Akro cullet, It was dug by several folks at different times. The more information you keep with it, the more solid the back story and stronger the provenance.
Rockgardenplants... do you think all the cullet was from one location? If it was all stored together, chances are strong that it all came from the same place. Maybe take pics of the pile and see if it looks like it all came from the same place. If so, that doesn't make it so, but might help a little. Some cullet can be attributed to a company, like when there are marbles clumped together in the cullet or very specific colors that are very well known to be from a particular company.