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Everything posted by cheese

  1. With the red being translucent, I'm inclined to lean CAC rather than foreign. Nice marble regardless! A reduction in condition can be overlooked on one like this.
  2. Vitro cosmic Rainbow for #1, Pelt for the others.
  3. I'm not sure it's not Pelt either. Going by these pics I would bet on Pelt. If we could get good clarity photos without so many reflections that give detail when zoomed in, it might help with ID and telling whether or not it's been polished. If it was ground and polished, it is easily detectable with a good, clear, detailed photo.
  4. cheese


    What size? Is that light blue in the base?
  5. Peltier NLR type on the one in question as a Red Raven. The others are foreign IMO.
  6. I'm with rainbo, no Angel. Seeing the same thing Ric explained.
  7. These? I've seen them in the original 100 count Akro box. I think it even stated their size on the box as well.
  8. Trying to find that out now. I never realized that many/most/or even all of these types would glow. Always something to learn with marbles, I love it!
  9. I can also post these. Some of these do not glow, per the owner Jessica Allison.
  10. I agree with you, they don't, but you said green and yellow without any red are dragons. Dragons have to have red/orange, right? Maybe you meant something else or I'm reading it wrong. I dunno. Either way it wounds like we are on the same page.
  11. cheese

    Akro ?

    If they would just put the company names on the marbles, this would be so much easier. AND boring!
  12. Good question Ric, I went and dug my box with Kokos out and found about 25 with that type base. They all have at least some UV reaction, although my UV light is quite strong. Some not as noticeably but there is some reaction.
  13. The lipstick red is the most recognizable but they vary from orange to red to darker red, maybe the color was changing as it hit different temps or variations in different runs of the same colors? I don't know.
  14. cheese

    Akro ?

    Not to be contrary but I'm with Master, especially because of the second pic where the colors fade away before the cut. That's a strong indicator for Master and not seen often (if ever?) on Akros.
  15. Green and yellow without red are called girlscouts, john deeres, or lemon limes, depending on the configuration and glass, but not dragons.
  16. I have some of these, they are nice rainbos, later than the NLRs. Good looking ones though, no name.
  17. I'd keep that with the Ravenswoods Joe. I like it!
  18. Yes, somewhat. The difference in the Honey Biscuit being that it's actually colorless clear with transparent honey colored ribbons and white ribbons. That honey ribbon also being transparent makes it look like the entire base is that amber color but it's not. Here's a pic that shows the three different glass types in the Honey Biscuit. You may already know this but I've seen several other collectors (mainly on Facebook) calling amber based/white ribbon marbles Honey Biscuits, so I thought I'd mention the difference. One cool part is that the honey ribbon is full of bubbles while the clear part has few.
  19. Kokomo for both right ones. Need better pics of the left ones, it's possible. I think lower left likely isn't but won't say for sure without seeing it better.
  20. Agreed on likely Heaton. I found a few of these and I remember noting that the way the white hits a bluish hue, it puts Ravenswood to mind.
  21. cheese


    I think Akro did make this color combo with oxblood. This one doesn't show signs of being torched so far. If it's real, it's a very good one. Scott Patrick was one who made these. More on the topic here: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2387&hilit=oxblood+popeye
  22. cheese


    No, in modern times. It's been several years and I don't know who was doing it but someone was. I've seen their altered popeyes. They were selling for top dollar as real but they were torch worked. Yes, one at a time, carefully adding the color to the existing popeye marble.
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