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Everything posted by cheese

  1. cheese


    The marble in the last pics is a Popeye IMO but I would be wary of the black and oxblood. Good, well-lit, clear photos are needed. The was a torch worker adding the black and oxblood to these popeyes years ago and getting premiums for them. The torchwork is fairly obvious upon close inspection. If this is an un-tampered with popeye, it is worth some pretty good money.
  2. cheese

    Vitro ID

    Trilite era Vitro.
  3. Your description of the different Akro "helmets" sounds to me like Akro patches. Not called helmets, although helmets fall within the patch type marbles. The ones shown above are patches. Years ago it was thought and published that Akro made the helmets. As time and information came along, it was proven that Vitro, instead, made the helmets. Then some folks contended that Akro and Vitro both made them and they were trying to differentiate which was which but Vitro made the helmets. This terminology may be a leftover vestige of that timeframe, I don't know.
  4. Neon conquerors. The big one is the one you will find normally. The 3/4" and 5/8" are very rare. All are on a transparent dark green swampwater base glass.
  5. Kokomo for the last two in the first pic.
  6. Marble manufacturers used fractions of an inch or the "ought" system. So it's what we use. Pretty much everything was measured in fractions of an inch here until 50 years ago or so. Now people are getting used to millimeters but many older collectors are not. I can visualize and cross either in my mind, so I don't mind but I prefer fractions. I think your new one you ordered is going to do decimals instead of fractions, so you will still lose a lot of people.
  7. cheese

    1 inch

    Alley, St. Mary's.
  8. Give it time and you'll be surprised how they multiply. Wait till you're storing them in 5 gallon buckets and plastic totes lol.
  9. Alley and Champion made the bulk of the old swirls in that size IMO. I agree with Alley on this.
  10. The first is a Phantom Conqueror, the others are just conquerors. Do you see the difference? The strands or "blooming matrix" in the white. The white has filaments on and in the clear. That makes it a phantom conqueror. The regular conqueror will be more like a sheet of white on the surface like the others posted.
  11. Top Left I'm unsure of. Really wide ribbon for Heaton but I can see why you said that. It's possible, what size? Top Right you nailed Lower left does look a lot like Raenswood but I think it's Pennsboro Alley. Unless that's a deep very clear transparent cobalt blue. Bottom Right is Alley.
  12. Aw foot, I just realized this is Thursday not Wednesday. Days are running together to me and I spent the day thinking it was Wednesday.
  13. The stages of rot in Heaton Robin Eggs from good ones to Rotten Robins LOL
  14. I think the first is Heaton. Last possibly.
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