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Everything posted by sclsu

  1. I have found it in Marble Mania, and it looks very similar to one they have in the book, except the fact that the "60 Game Marbles No 00" is in a different location on the box. The paper of the box is worn, and the bottom looks and feels to me like the marbles have been in the box for some time. The dealer I bought them from said that she believed all the marbles to be original to the box.
  2. Also, they stuck out to me because they didn't feel like glass. Got it with a bunch of contemporary handmades and I actually thought they might be clay
  3. The little one is 21/32" and the big one is 15/16" (ps. Calipers are awesome )
  4. I'm sure their probably new, but I haven't seen anything like these before.
  5. Dang it, I was hoping I was right cause I have a few marbles like those
  6. I am finding that a lot of the marbles that are going in to my collection are more for how they look than anything
  7. From my understanding, that would be more difficult. Once the staples are rusted, changing their shape or bending them will usually break them.
  8. The rusting can definitely be faked without staining to the material. I really just meant that a stain can be a good indicator of a fake, but its absence doesn't automatically make it authentic.
  9. Because you would have to artificially rust the staples after they were stapled in, there is usually some discoloration or staining around the staple from whatever was used to rust them. This is not 100%, as I'm sure staining could occur naturally too in the right circumstances
  10. I am with you. There have been several occasions where I have pointed out fakes and reproductions to "antique stores " I have been to in the past. As a general rule, if the item is still out next time I visit and not labeled correctly, that store has lost my business.
  11. I know its contemporary but it is really cool looking and is in excellent condition.
  12. I would think the staples could be a clue. If they are naturally rusted, it would be an indication that it were older
  13. I had an auction go like that once, it was for a rare folding knife I sold. It wasn't private bidding however and it certainly isn't how my auctions normally go
  14. I would say flame. The few pictures I have seen of calligraphy marbles look more random in their patterning.
  15. Would this be a striped transparent? My mind wants to lump this in with slags, but I just don't know.
  16. I was thinking it might be new, but it is duller than the vacor examples I have now. The flash makes it look a little shinier than it is and there is a small blown out air hole on it that made me think it might be older. Thanks for your help as always.
  17. I found this small paperweight in one of my recent jars of marbles. It is just over 1" but it looks really cool.
  18. It probably isn't because it is 1". I couldn't find anything about CAC making 1" swirls. Any help is appreciated. I have more pics I can add if that will help.
  19. Title of post is my guess for this one, but I just want to have someone else take a look. I think it is a melted pontil, but I am not sure too much what that means in terms of possible age. It is 9/16"ish
  20. It could have been reflecting the small amount of light in the room
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