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Everything posted by hrjane

  1. First one I've ever seen, 5/8" with the moonie orange glow when backlit and brite green fluorescent. Anybody else have one? Found it in a fun little mixed lot off eBay. Lots of common corks, lovely swirls, couple slags, 1940s-1960s mix. Here are a few highlights and the fluor/moonie (plain one in picture): The plain green cork at the top is on a pale blue base (doesn't show well on my dark blue background).
  2. And, of course, the water filter balls (IE Atlanta Olympics/Tennessee dredge).
  3. Just a guess, since brandy is clear, brandies are probably handmade clearies (that's also my guess based on the prices listed). Klondike = gold, so they are probably a lutz or mica (price is higher, so, I lean towards a lutz of some type).
  4. Both sad and good to see. Thanks for sharing. Here's my oxblood marble (brick) I took a hammer to - kidding! It came to me this way. For the newbies, this would have been gathered and turned (layered) when hot so the oxblood is all the way through (9 with tail construction).
  5. hrjane


    This one is my current favorite.
  6. IMO Obviously, since the cup was an extra part, it could easily be run with or without it. They also made clearies and games mibs, so, probably ran without a cup as often as not. The patches that people say "cup wasn't spinning" are the ones that look like they really wanted to cork, but, just didn't (up to maybe say an 1/8 of a turn). The seams don't usually have that 'straight, all the way across' look them like on planned patches. Like Chucks example. One wanted to spin, one had no plan to spin at all. "Lazy corks" would be the ones that made about a 1/4 to half turn - Chucks is more of a Lazy cork. .
  7. My picture server seems to finally be feeling better. Here's my attempt to catch the orange UV glow on the yellow cat.
  8. My picture host site died late last night and is not working yet. They should be back soon.
  9. PS The yellow patches do not glow, just the yellow cats.
  10. Here are the cat's from one of my MG bags. The reds and "blacks" are semi-transparent (and the blacks sort of filimented). The white, green and yellow are opaque. The yellow glows bright orange in UV. Most of the opaques were a more Pringles potato chip shaped then banana shaped. I have two bags (one has a marble sized gap in the seal, so I could take them out for a picture) and all the yellows in both bags glowed. These are late MG. Early MM and MG may be more banana like and may not glow. * Al - could you check your bags? I'll try to remember to try to get a picture of the glow. My Pelt bananas don't glow. After I came across the 4 glowing base glass 4 vane cats I hit all my other cats with the UV to check them too. Other contents of the bag: Other bag:
  11. hrjane

    Vaseline Glass?

    Vaseline brand petroleum jelly used to be that color (yellowish/green) many many years ago (late 1800s/early 1900s). The formula has changed over the years.
  12. My Master Glass yellow banana cats glow bright orange under UV.
  13. hrjane

    Master Shooters

    I have one MG with pink base glass. Pictured with a dark amber to help the camera get the color right. Why is pink/peach so hard to photograph?! I don't have any purple bases.
  14. More oxblood. In a thin, mostly straight, line this time. Akro patches.
  15. hrjane

    Two Questions

    Here's an assortment picture with an antique sugar bowl: one white, two red (bright and dark cranberry), two vaseline (yellowish) See plenty more with a search for slag in this forum.
  16. hrjane

    Vitro Names?

    Just to confuse you more, check out this bag of "yellow jackets" Alan has running now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=180152056550 Very few (if any) in there I would have called yellow jackets. Looks like lots of ordinary all reds, most without yellow.
  17. hrjane

    Vitro Names?

    1 and 2 are on white bases. 6 are on clear bases. If you check old bags and boxes of "all reds" your see many with no red in them. Tiger eye seem to need 3 colors not counting the white - from what I've seen.
  18. hrjane

    Vitro Names?

    I don't have the names all figured out yet, but, here's my Vitro board. Had the glass off it for some adjustments, so, shot a picture. left to right: column 1-2: all reds and blackline all reds (and no red "new style" all reds) 3: blackies 4-5: assorted oddballs 6: 1980s patches 7-8: patches mostly tiger eyes 9: helmet patches except the odd bottom one 10-11: more assorted oddballs 12: 1990s patches 13: whities 14-16: assorted phantom conquerors and conquerors 17: victory patches
  19. hrjane

    Orange Latt.

    Found it on eBay - only 3 hours left: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=220141086843
  20. hrjane

    Orange Latt.

    If you just type it in with the http: it will just make them a link. To show them as pictures on the post click on the little rectangle picture on the reply form. Here they are: Very nice! Love the single white latt line.
  21. ???? Do'oh!!! A DROP of 409 on a Q-Tip or cloth is wayyyyyy less messy and easier to get then whole bottle of silver polish a person may have no use for.
  22. They don't look like bakelite - very cool though. The easy test is: a little Formula 409 on a q-tip or cloth turns yellow when rubbed on on any color bakelite. Wash off residue. I can never do the smell test - I have allergies to "everything", so, most the time I'm just lucky to breathe normally. Can't smell the very slight scent differences in the different plastics. I sold a baby crid toy with bakelite marble beads and spool beads.
  23. I was just flipping through "American Machine Made Marbles" and it shows a few Master company sheets from the 1930s. On them, most marble styles (including sunburst) were made in sizes #00 (9/16") to #2 (3/4") with only comets and meteors up to size #6 (1").
  24. Wow! An almost 700 year old stamp! Sorry - couldn't resist.
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