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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. If you ask an Akro Salesmen if he has any corkscrew for sale ? What is he going to tell you ? We'll see who get this one right and how quick. Tik Tok
  2. Fire1981


    Old name was Peanut Butter and Jelly.
  3. Kinda like a "Cloudy" End Of Day. Hardly another rotation. Cut it and Cup it and call it a day.
  4. This a piece of a cane that didn’t get finished with a marble. Turned into a paper weight. I always thought an End Of Day was a marble that had one pontil with the ribbons ending in it and a clear pontil to finish it off.
  5. Start over and sort your Clearies. Clear you head. 🚀
  6. I’m not sure if this topic belongs here or The Lounge. This is one of 6 marble paintings I have done. All of them are 4x5 feet. I call this one Pelt’s Galaxy. I use pulverized rainbow hematite in a salt shaker and shake that on areas I just applied a layer of gel. I let it dry and put another layer of gel on top of it. It reflects like AV in the gel. It’s in all of the black in this painting. Hope this isn’t over the top here.
  7. I'm also a painter/artist. I can only work with certain colors. Wearing amber or yellow tinted glasses I can paint a painting using the colors I'm blind to. But why ? So I don't. Maybe the amber or yellow tinted glasses could help me ID Tiger Eyes.
  8. WHOA ! 15/15 🚀 I wonder how many times you kicked me off the Boards for a week or two when you only had about 5-8K 🤔 I'd say at least 3-4ish times.
  9. https://www.ebay.com/itm/353539885021?hash=item52509e87dd:g:aWwAAOSwC1BgzVr8
  10. WOW ! That's awesome. Talk about sensory over load. 🌠
  11. That's what mine are. 100% Should we give them their own Special name ? Green Candy Canes ? Clear base are Candy Canes.
  12. Fire1981


    do like Alleys. Not you do you Alleys.
  13. Fire1981


    Ron just called me on the WVS Hotline and confirmed that you do you Alleys. That's all he told me.
  14. Fire1981


    Maybe it's just a rumor
  15. Fire1981


    I hear you like Alleys and really don't collect Pelts. 🤔
  16. Fire1981


    I got mine when I was kid.
  17. Fire1981


    There we go 👍 Your's is the only other one I've see. I never found another one on Ebay.
  18. Fire1981


    One more thing. I don't know what size your marble is. Mine is probably 3/4 inch. Just a little smaller than a Shooter.
  19. Fire1981


    I keep mine with my Muddies.
  20. Fire1981


    Pelt for sure. I've always that color combo 👍
  21. Fire1981

    ID Inky?

    There ya go ! Inky it is
  22. Fire1981

    Bless you

    I hope so ! Some paint their’s white. I always that was funny.
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