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Everything posted by Woodse

  1. I knew Stephanie kept us sane, but now I thank Chad and Bumblebee. You don't.onoe.how much I appreciate this.
  2. I have quit FB again. Thank you, moderator, for keeping Marble Connection off Facebook. This is the only forum I can go to for information, a few laugh and not have obscene and mean posts mixed in. One FB group was historical pictures and the other was archeological finds in Ohio. Not really questionable sites, but still filled with prejudice, hate and vulgar expressions. I love marble Connection. Thank you for keeping it family safe!!!!
  3. Was thinking MFC, but I'm terrible with identifying these little glass beads.
  4. There is a chipped area under the surface that may be causing the problem. Very rough on that pole. Came from my aunt's house. Some were German that look like some kid (surely not me) beat them with a hammer and nail set. Just curious about this one.
  5. First pics were awful. Sorry.
  6. Very rough, but for ID purposes, is this a Christenson?
  7. https://www.livescience.com/50326-what-is-ultraviolet-light.html I use a small UV flashlight from Harbor Freight. They are about $9 and it works ok. It's fun to use at night to see what glows. At least we don't have scorpions in WV. Pest control uses them out west to locate them.
  8. This is not going to be a helpful response. I've been quarantined too long for that. Why, when I read this question, did I picture a bunch of marble markers after a keg party, trying to make marbles?
  9. Late to post my thanks, Royal3, for the granola recipe. Haven't tried it yet, but will for sure.
  10. Over the winter, I was thinking that I might be ready for a Condo. It has turned out to be a blessing to be "stuck on the farm". Getting outside has made this almost bearable. Today was very productive as I finished off that bag of chocolate peanuts. Royal3, any chance of sharing the granola recipe? Love it as cereal, not so much dry. And Ron, a Lowes would be wonderful. I can find what I need usually with stops at 2 hardware stores, TSC and Walmart, but Lowes would be great. Anything besides an auto parts store or pizza shop, would be nice. I live in Mason County off of Gunville Ridge.
  11. Love the displays. Had to look up "copralite" I wouldn't put one in a nice dish either. Although there is a lot to be learned from scat.
  12. Marbelized, I laughed at your cutting back on M&M's. I just sat here and ate 1/2 bag of Brachs double dipped chocolate peanuts. Have no idea how much time elapsed, but not much! Thank goodness for sweatpants.
  13. Bonniemarbles, your cleaning frenzy is inspiring. I just keep moving piles from one place to the other. Your place looks great, WVron. Are there fish in the pond? Ron, for a little local interest, any idea what's going on beside Ripley Walmart? Someone cleared a lot of hillside this week. Steph, I am impressed with the 4.4 miles. I used to run. 35 years ago, but who's keeping track. I've been hiking on the property and actually found 10 morel mushrooms last week. Only found 1 in my life before that. I have a hundred acres here and like Ron said, there is always something to do. Could clear autumn olive for the rest of my life and not get done. The problem is my energy, mental and physical, runs out before the to do list. I will say it's been a beautiful Spring. The lilac, quince and redbud have been blooming for weeks. Dogwood is going strong now. I would love to go to the beach, but won't. That would really be nice though.
  14. I love to grocery shop. Always have. Visiting my sister years back, she took me to Wegmans. Like Disneyworld. Needless to say, I'm not liking it much now. Have only been twice since early March. Stocked up then and we have a freezer and can a lot in the summer. May have to go tomorrow, but don't want to. WV is not nearly as bad as other states, but we all need to be cautious. Everyone be safe.
  15. Chocolate chip cookie red dragon
  16. The orange green is gorgeous.
  17. Great idea. These weren't fancy, but wish I could see them not beat up.
  18. Can't even begin to know how this is affecting everyone. My diet is nonexistent except for those lovely carbs! Cats love the jigsaw puzzles more than the computer. Those pieces just fly better. Marble connection is my favorite place on the net. Keep all the ID help post coming.
  19. I've been getting flower beds cleaned up and have built a potting bench. Reading a lot. I have a recorder and a harmonica that I've been meaning to try. I never learned to sew and there's a machine in the attic. Maybe I should turn off the TV and put my phone down. Good inspiration here. Cats and dogs would like it if I would find something to do that doesn't interrupt their naps. Everyone take care and thanks to all you marble people for a bright spot in my day.
  20. I was concerned for the poor marbles on that sand track, but it is mesmerizing in a way. I'll be watching more. May even build a track out back.
  21. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/03/why-marble-racing-is-so-popular-online.html
  22. Along these lines, just for fun check out Rocks Cousteau on YouTube. He is from Marietta, OH and has some interesting finds.
  23. BerryB, love the dog marble. Gonna look through mine for some critters.
  24. The clay marbles you have made are really nice. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Thank you. I would love to see a pic whenever you can post. Take care of your new hip.
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