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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Chad G.

    Sunburst ??

    Not quite the very common eyelashes of the Euro sparkler (cat) has but I'll still say Euro IMO
  2. My best, well my only CAC Snotty for this "Sundays Best"
  3. Dizzy Lizzy ....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psJ1cHm_su4
  4. OH Train, Train ................................................. The MoJo Snake King knows what I'm talkin bout
  5. My best First Run Vacor Michelangelo for this "Slags & swirls Saturday"
  6. Hello Art, "Welcome to Marble Connection Art" I agree w/ Steph. Unless you have a very rare marble hidden in the bunch somewhere sentimental value only. However post them anyway 4-5 @ a time showing multiple views and any apparent seams. A good solid I.D. will give you an idea of the real value if any. Sorry about your Grandmother, I hope she get's the best of care and a hidden gem is found in the pile O mibs you have. Again, "Welcome"
  7. No Calig. but a nice flame IMO
  8. Yes, I'm laughing @ my own post !!!!!!!!!
  9. Yeeouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Vacor Rooster IMO. It seems every run they made differed a little.
  11. A good deal for Nova's, especially w/o the fractures that are so common to this type
  12. Yep, Bumblebees alright, he colors of the ribbons can as you say vary significantly but they're still Bumblebees. Here's a link for you from @wvrons AAM post to take a look see @ most of the older more valuable types of MK LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=50210
  13. X2, Vacor Halloween, Atmospheres were the only handmades Vacor made to my knowledge, they made a lot of huge machinemades. Says they made this one from 12mm all the way up to 50mm, that's almost 2 inches (toebreaker, 1.9685") to be exact. LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=106
  14. again with 2 15/16ths Alley shooters displayed on an Alley insulator for this "West Virginia Wednesday.
  15. I tested negative to Guess I better order one
  16. This one goes up to 1 inch and has decimals and metric conversion LINK :: https://littlemachineshop.com/reference/decequiv.php?srsltid=AfmBOooyZvhXs-tW795BxkiRiQMqmpBG1Hw7EqOAuXwH4XLPJ6PfRWdu
  17. You have some Vintage as well as some newer, I see a few Vintage Alley as well as a few newer Vacor in the bunch, to many @ a time to sort, nothing really jumps out @ me but that's my opinion, what you like is what you like no matter the value
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