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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Did Phil make the box for you William ?? BTW some very, very nice mibs
  2. "Welcome to Marble Connection Kevin" First mib is an Akro Slag IMO
  3. Good to put a face to the name James. I've been watching your eBay site for years, always honest and upfront, glad to have you on board Brother
  4. What a load man .....
  5. A link for you to explore :: https://www.thepaperweightcollection.com/products/extremely-rare-antique-clichy-newel-post-finial-with-complex-concentric-millefiori :: https://www.thepaperweightcollection.com/collections/all-current-stock
  6. Mmmm Mm, Peltaliciouse Brother
  7. Guess it's time for me to get some new glasses, thanks for the heads up Brother !!
  8. OP is 100% Josephs Coat, good call Art, Onionskins all have an underlying "skin" covering the entire surface underneath the stretched out ribbons of color. Usually white or yellow, thus the word onion "skin". There are of course exceptions to every rule and everything in between. Examples of onionskins Joseph Coats :
  9. Believe me, my inner child was & still is tempted
  10. The first is contemporary, the rest look like antique German handmades. Look for initials or some kind of date on the ends of the contemp. for clues to a possible maker. Ah. I almost forgot "Welcome to Marble Connection"
  11. It took a while to find one that clean, believe me From what I understand the kids were always trying to get the figure out of the glass resulting in the destruction of many.
  12. My cleanest and one of my biggest sulphide's for this "Sundays Best" not a rare one, in fact one of the most common but still a favorite of mine, a "barnyard pig" my wife used to say " Better a male chauvinist pig than no pig at all " So I'm one second late, ah well, I tried to get here on time
  13. Blue Lagoons have a transparent (clear) base and the av. is usually very dust like, here's a couple picture's of mine. The av. is heaviest next to & in the blue ribbons but is present throughout the entire marble. The size on this one is just a hair over 5/8ths. Not quite sure what to call yours ? It has the structure of a Rainbo? I've never seen a lagoon that wasn't a swirl but I guess anything's possible
  14. The marbles are 100% authentic. The box is newer, don't know where it came from ??
  15. Metallic PPP IMO, great mib, far less common than a metallic Rainbo
  16. Green Bricks :: Partially trans. green base Another trans. green base Smore.
  17. Chad G.


    X2, Akro here
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