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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. x2, seeing newer MK as well, no patch, ribbon, patch like the older one Dave has posted
  2. Pretty sure this isn't a Rainbo, could be mistaken but it looks like NLR construct to me. Some closer and multiple views if you could Please ?? I've heard of Peltier pink Flamingos but not pink panthers ??
  3. Lee has one or maybe more on his site, this one has scratches but no fractures, just in case ya wanted to take a look see ?? LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/195390643286 Another link from right here w/ a bit more info on the pelt 1988 one time run marbles, I think it's part of the same pics David Chamberlain has on his AAM post but not sure ?? LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/5808-marble-names-not-from-the-factory/
  4. I knew I smelled Sweet Potatoes ....
  5. Wow !! Thanks for the great info Brad, you'd never figure from the pic, it looks small & dainty, but now that I have perspective, man 5 lbs. what a monstrosity
  6. Looks delicate ?? Just wondering about the sturdiness of the Blenko Glass ??
  7. 100% Pelt Nova, size should be around 7/8ths & up, usually bigger, surface fractures are common among this type, but ones w/o can be found. Can come in a few colors. Here's mine, no fractures, yes it took a while to find. The whitish ribbons like yours seem to be most common. Here's a link for ya to check out on them & their same day run partners. LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=38379&p=283233&hilit=peltier+novas#p283233
  8. "Welcome to Marble Connection John" Need multiple views of each marble, seams if any are visible. Size can also play a big role in identification & closer pix if you can manage, again for a more accurate I.D. And again "Welcome" Peltier Rainbo Peltier Rainbo, IMO ? PELTIER RAINBO IMO ? Very good chance of being a Pelt NLR Superboy These look Pelty but not sure ???????????????
  9. Yes, I agree, I have a bunch of Heaton but still they trick me.
  10. Man, what a "Blowhole Bummer" can't say I've ever seen one like it !!
  11. Yes, PPP is short for a Peltier Peerless Patch
  12. Glad to see such a great sense of humor Sherry
  13. Them cows would probably ?? fetch an ok price ??
  14. On - Off !! Black - White !! Dead - Alive !! .....
  15. The three in pic one might be just as you say "Stones" (mineral) heavier than clay and lighter than steel ??
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