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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. I wonder where the stomach is .... Guess we'll find out ....
  2. Wow !! I hope the prices take a dive for you (& all of us) Prices around here go from $4.99 @ the cheapest to $5.79 @ the highest. The "graboid" mask thing would've drove me up the wall, gotta give it to ya man ya got grit !! Hang in there William, were all pullin for ya 🙏
  3. Chad G.


    Dragonfly I think ?? LINK : https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  4. Pullin for ya Brother, you're in my prayers 🙏
  5. Some of my favorite Pelts in a stand a good Marble Friend made for me on this "Peltier Tuesday"
  6. I have Pistachio's that are uv reactive & some that look like Pistachio's that aren't, I've heard that to be considered a pistachio they have to be uv reactive ??
  7. My best "guess" would be Champion ??
  8. x2, looks Vacor to me as well
  9. On second look I'd say an Akro ace corkscrew ?
  10. I have one (somewhere) I don't think it has a name
  11. Doesn't look banded, machine made, not sure who the manufacturer is or what it is ?? Wish I could be of more help !!
  12. Yes there are some bubbles but the white chunks are oven brick, as referring to the "blizzard effect" guess I should have posted a better example, Oop !!
  13. Blizzard doesn't have to be mica as in the antique German handmade blizzards. "Blizzard" is referring to what's in the matrix of the mib, not a specific manufacturer IMO Master Blizzard
  14. A Joseph's Coat for this "Sundays Best"
  15. Chad G.


    Agree, regular Pelt Rainbos, no special name, nice mibs
  16. Agree w/ Art on the first 3, Akro, Akro, Vitro, and not positive on the last one
  17. I'm in for Real also, nice find
  18. Wooooo ............. one more match, supposed to be "Ricky the Dragon Steamboat" but he turned the match down so the opponent is as yet undecided, Wooooo ......... well maybe just Woo, he's probably runnin a little shorter on air now ?? JULY, Wooooo ...... LINK : https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/boxing/ric-flair-on-in-ring-return-i-don-t-need-the-money-but-i-do-like-the-glory/ar-AAXtQjf?ocid=uxbndlbing
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