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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. A pair of 1.25" Joseph Coats for this "Thüringen Thursday"
  2. x2, Akro IMO, nice mib
  3. Good grief, I've double dribbled ......
  4. Akro slag (L) Akro lemonade oxblood (R )
  5. Well the description is about as far off as you can get but regardless a VVVHTF handmade, just posting so we can see where this goes. I'm assuming they bought somebody's collection, they have several high end Handmades listed, nearly one is described correctly, anyway all in all a good looksee. LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/175306376816?hash=item28d1130670%3Ag%3Av4UAAOSwajRimhyg&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid= ALL ITEMS : https://www.ebay.com/sch/martinward0785/m.html?item=175306376816&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562
  6. Some yellow uv base peltier comics for this "Peltier Tuesday" these are the most common base and patch color for these particular mibs. They come in an array of different base and patch color combs. Some the the rarer color combinations can easily go for well over a couple grand each.
  7. "Melon Girl" is right @ the top if not the top AAM post on the same subject w/ some great pix from Ron (WVRONS) : https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?p=362590 Not mine but from a saved sale last year, the specks in the green are av.
  8. The way things are goin soon it'll take the $100.oo buy a burger & fries. I went to Walmart yesterday grocery shopping since it's only across the street. What used to run me around $190.00 a year ago now is nearly $300.oo, being on disability has certain perks, I guess ? if you want to call em that ?? Grocery time certainly isn't one of them, @ over $5.oo a gallon for gas I'm lucky to be within walking distance of the store. Certainly an eventful trip for ya William, congrats on holding your composure (that graboid on your face must be a nightmare ??) I've always been a bit claustrophobic, not so much of confined spaces but having something on my face !! Kudos to ya for biting the bullet man.
  9. x2, I see Champion as well, "New old fashion" IMO
  10. "Welcome to Marble Connection Mark" Many years of accumulated knowledge here along with a great bunch of people more than willing to share what they have learned to help you out on your marble journey. There is a search bar in the upper R hand side if you have any particular query you'd like to pursue. Again "Welcome"
  11. Just wanted to post a few before & after pix of some UV reactive mibs, please share em if ya got em !!
  12. Not saying the OP is a Pelt (IMHO) but yes Peltier did make white slags but they are VVVHTF LINK : https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=20058 Just found a pic of another one in my folders
  13. Rainbo Definition LINK : https://www.peltiermarbles.info/rainbos NLR Definition LINK : https://www.peltiermarbles.info/nlr There are of course exceptions to these, this that and everywhere in between as happens in anything mass produced.
  14. My favorite pieces of oxblood Akroware for this "Sundays Best"
  15. (MCSA) Marble collectors Society of America, Akro I.D. link. Complete w/ description and pictures. Also a link from AAM and right here on MC. I hope these Links help ya out on your marble journey Dennis MCSA LINK : https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/akro-agate-co/ AAM LINK : https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3989 One of the many links from Stephs study hall right here on MC STEPHS STUDY HALL LINK : https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6788-mostly-pix-akro/ Have fun ..... ..... .....
  16. Alley was my second go to but I just wasn't sure from the pix ?? Ah well, @ least we all came to a unanimous decision, Alley it is, a great discussion & exercise in narrowing down the playing field to the right manufacturer
  17. Oops !! I guess the Vacor is iridescent, my bad LINK : https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=67
  18. Good call Fire any orange disqualifies it as a Spiderman & makes it a Superboy
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