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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Well, I guess you could hit it w/ a light & see if it's uv Sherry, I see some clear transparent so I have my doubts, not common to see transparent clear in ade base glass but I guess there's always a first ? I seen the green tint in the first & second pic also but that little bit of clear has me leaning away from ade glass.
  2. Natural Light, a man after my own heart, I've tried and tried but to no avail, I've seen some close attempts but I agree completely, nothing beats the real thing
  3. Leaning Akro IMO, almost positive it's not Pelt "but" it does bear a striking resemblance to a Pelt Wolverine which I believe all are @ or below the .50 pee wee mark, the only thing holding me up is the dark colored base glass, Wolverines have a light white semitransparent base glass, the seams' are the same "straight " I'm sure it's not a Wolverine but I'm a bit puzzled @ this point ?? Peltier Wolverine
  4. Almost sure it's Akro & almost positive on the oxblood, I have several Akro where the oxblood dives into the base glass, not common as Art said but something I like & look for, the op looks like the glass was folded @ some point during production (especially in the first pic) causing the oxblood to "dive" into the base glass IMO
  5. Do you have a size ?? Is the base translucent or transparent ??
  6. Are there more pix Brad ?? Like to see the mibs & the actual playing surface ?? Seen similar but mostly tabletop versions or a whole lot smaller, threes probably a way to see more pix but I couldn't figure it out ?? Also anxious to see the coin acceptance slot; 1 cent ? 5 cents ? maybe a clue to age ?? "Nice Find" guess I need to spend more time perusing the auctions & or Craigslist etc. ??
  7. Chad G.


    Only have a couple Akro double ingots (somewhere ??) Also had some Jabo doubles I seem to have misplaced ?? Wait !! I have some Heaton doubles & assorted weirdos .... would especially love to see a Vitro double, never seen one, I heard they were very strict when it came to quality control ??
  8. When I was 10 we were in the middle of moving. I was carrying one of my mothers dresser drawers out to the truck when I seen a marble moving around a bit @ the bottom of the drawer. I stopped and picked it up, my Mother told me it was her favorite shooter when she was a child. I had no idea what a shooter was or even what she was talking about all I knew is I liked the marble. She looked @ me and said I could have it but never to loose it. Years went by and sometime in the early 80's I was @ a garage sale & seen some German Handmades in a box on a table, I was drawn to the design & intricacy of the Latt webbing in the marbles, the myriad of colors in the banding, I was hooked, they looked like candy. Never realizing @ that moment how hard I had actually been bit. This was the true beginning of my marble journey, it was like I had a fever. Garage sales, thrift shops, antique stores. Back then you could find some decent stashes in the wild @ some pretty reasonable prices w/ the occasional gem hiding in the jar or bag. Now that I have you bored to death, through all the moves, and my stay in the Navy, the one thing that made it through all that was the marble my Mother gave me when I was 10, beaten, weathered and aged I still have it, one of my most treasured possessions and by far the most treasured marble I have. A memory I hope never fades
  9. Do you remember when you where first exposed to toy marbles ?? DO you remember your first marble and how you got it ?? Do you remember where and when it took place ?? Not necessarily when you started collecting but your first exposure to marbles or the game of marbles ?? If ya want to add when ya got the BUG (started collecting) great !! I will post pix of my first marble and the story to go along w/ how I got it tomorrow, time to hit the hay See y'all mibsters in the morrow !!!
  10. Kool, a real giant, we had Hummingbirds spend the entire winter here, some strange things are happening, someone musta been feeding them, there certainly wasn't any food available for them in the dead of winter.
  11. Another great vid from Stephen Bahr, some Davis Marble Works mibs & history ft. Ron Shepherd
  12. 88 to 90 for this Thursday, once it starts seems like it doesn't get shut off till late August early Sept. when I was a kid it was great it never seemed to bother me but now, Phew only so many 100 deg. days @ 95 tom 98 % humidity I can withstand. And of course as we all know the Summers are getting longer & hotter, something I've really noticed in the past decade, especially the lengthening of the Summer, we used to get rain for almost 9 months of the year, now it's about 50/50, 6 months of each. Q least were not cookin like 75% of the country, I feel for everyone that gets their water from the Colorado (lake Mead i.e. Vegas, ca, Ariz. etc.) prayin the water holds out for the duration for those folks !! Oop !! Just seen the latest weather 100 for Sat. Sun & Mon. I already have the A/C hooked up & workin, guess I'll be watchin some shows on TV w/ lots of shade to make me feel a little cooler for a few days ?? Mighst be the West coast has their turn comin ?? Years ago the 100 deg. days didn't hit till late Aug. and very few @ that, looks like those days are over fer sher. Time to make like a popsicle. Well a hot mock chicken planned for Sunday, over 100, I'm not a steak, chicken or turkey, I live in the PNW because I thought it was once considered a temperate zone, a nice place to rust not burn, Oh well
  13. Not a FB guy so I won't even log in,. what's ringing the bell signify ??
  14. Wow, seen em before but never for sale and never, never 3 boxes all together like that, Wow and double wow !! Not gonna bid but very interested in the final $$ if it comes available, thanks for posting Danny !! Well I have 3 different route choices, guess I'm about as far away as one can get ?? Wait I think Brad has me beat ?? And oh I forgot I still have 50 miles left till I actually hit the sand of the west coast, so not quite as far as I can get, shortest route 2489 miles "no sweat" ...
  15. I hope everyone has a fantastic Fathers day, especially the Father's
  16. That ladybug's the shizzle .......
  17. Lookin good Brother ....
  18. The Columbia rivers running high from snow melt off, the mountains are startin to show color, the smell of fresh cut grass fills the air reminding me so much of when I was a kid. I grew up here in the PNW & except for a 4 year stint in the Navy I never left. As far as I'm concerned the most beautiful country there is. Beach, Mountains and the City all within a 50 mile radius. I had thoughts of leaving but they were only fleeting. I hope everyone has a great Summer, one that'll never be forgotten, and some great and lifelong memories are made. This site shows a few snippets of some of the places I've had the pleasure of enjoying all my life, I truly feel Blessed !! LINK : https://www.cntraveler.com/gallery/the-most-beautiful-places-in-the-pacific-northwest
  19. Agree w/William, maybe Vitro but not positive ?? ..... ... for now I just wish I had smore butter !!!
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