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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Handmades were the first mibs I collected & you have some Killers Ron Coats are my favorite but I like em all.
  2. Not seeing slags, a UV light or Blacklight will be necessary to see if either one is UV reactive.
  3. x2, agree w/ Art, last 2 are Akro, my best on the first is Alley ??
  4. Chad G.

    Pelt ?

    Not positive but I think it's Pelt to Rick ??
  5. # 1 is an NLR Dragon, any orange in the red ribbons would make it a "flaming Dragon" # 2 is kinda wonky ?? Pelts can be confusing but still one of my favorites to collect. I realize "most" NLR marbles have @ least 4 ribbons "but" . All are Rainbos, NLR = National line "Rainbo"
  6. #2. NLR Zebra, w/ or wo aventurine= most have av. #3. NLR Rebel, w/ or w/o aventurine = most have av. #4. Looks like an NLR Red Zebra, if so w/ or w/o av still a red zebra, sunset is a Rainbo, this one appears to have more of an NLR structure ?? (NOTE) NLR'S can come in a wide variety of patterns i.e. swirl, ying-yang, one seam, 2 seams, no seams, time is your best ally as it is mine. PELT INFO SITE : https://www.peltiermarbles.info/ Some mibs on the pelt info site are (or were) labeled incorrectly, but 95-99% are spot on.
  7. I think you're right William, I'd say Jabo also, BTW nice candlestick holder
  8. The two on the either end look like Sistersville Alleys but the one in the center looks like an Akro slag
  9. I "think" a second, third or even fourth >>>>> opinion is crucial, been collecting for quite a while and still learning something new almost every day (things change) You are always welcome, Glad to have you, have pix or comments ?? Post away
  10. Yes !! An NLR, Red Bee is correct if the the red ribbons contain no a. Aventurine being a requirement for a "Ruby Bee" . "Red Bees" contain no av. though they can look the same structure and color wise. The av in a Ruby Bee can be very slight and fine, often taking a loupe to see, BTW another very nice marble
  11. Yeah !! all Pelts, a "ruby slipper" is transparent red base while a "ruby bee" is opaque yellow base & yes your right on the money, the latter does have to have av. to be considered a "ruby bee" BTW, nice mibs Cole
  12. Banded coreless, many of the old handmades have air bubbles (trapped gas) yes the colored base glass is a definite plus but not rare just uncommon. A pic of a 9/16ths I really like, also w/ a colored base. Nice marble Jeremy, handmades were the beginning of my marble quest & still one of my favorites.
  13. (L to R) Peltier Rainbo, & what appears to be an Akro Slag & a Vitro "Welcome to Marble Connection Sherri" I didn't see it was your first post until I was leaving the thread, some great people here w/ many years of combined knowledge and experience more than willing to help ya on your marble journey. There is also a search bar on the upper R hand side of your screen should you have any particular marble related subject you'd like to query. Again "Welcome" Chad G.
  14. One of my all time favorite Pelt types for this "Sundays Best" a 23/32nds NLR tiger, not the heaviest av in the world but the biggest I have & a nice clean mib. The apparent bubbles are all subsurface and never quite made it to the top "luckily"
  15. Look @ this car wreck !! I haven't a clue where to even start ?? It's a ???? Two different bases, the white looks almost veneered, 3 colors, I give up !!
  16. Definitely looks like it wanted to be a Bloody Mary, no ideas here, just an oddball I guess ??
  17. My best would be Alley also.
  18. x2, agree w/ Art, all 3 Pelt Baseballs
  19. Both look like Akro corks, "Red bee" is a pelt name, "Ruby bee" is also a Pelt name & the latter will always contain av.
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