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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. I don't know about yous but the dinner @ my Aunts was over the top & so was the amount I ate !! One left and two came home, the leftovers I was "forced" to bring home are already callin my name !!
  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ................................................
  3. Here you go Chris : https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+marbles+from+flint&oq=how+to+make+marbles+from+flint&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30l9.20664j0j7&sourceid=
  4. Faceting resembles the facets on a gemstone (thus the word faceting) usually way les but still faceted. There are 3 types of terminations to where the cane was cut or (terminated) while forming the marble. "Faceted" i.e. the oldest type : melted pigtail : & unfinished. Faceting was accomplished by "grinding" the end down, creating the familiar "flat spots" of "faceting" Melted pigtail, sometimes the pigtail is so obliterated (melted) that it will be barely visible. Faceted : not a very good pic but the best In could come up with, you can see one of the "facets" visible near the upper center right hand side. I don't know how good you screen is but a few other facets are visible to me in this pic. Both ends are "unfinished" on this Joseph Coat, I estimate the manufacture date my handmades using this, that and the colors are usually far brighter on the latter. Faceting was mostly done away with by 1870-1880, the higher demand for "gameboard" marbles in the late Victorian era made for much smaller sizes and the quicker production method of the unfinished ends. Faceted on one end and a melted pigtail on the other usually indicates a manufacture date of between 1850-1870 or thereabouts. Later manufacture (1870-1910,15) usually showed a great reduction in size along both ends being unfinished (quicker production) & brighter colors, these marbles were also often called English, though they were produced in Germany for the "English" gameboard market.
  5. Great post Chris, a much needed piece of marble history
  6. No oxblood, not a brick, from the looks of the fracturing and hits I believe its not glass ?? It may be "agate" (mineral sphere) ??
  7. Nice job capturing the av in the pix Dave "BTW" killer mib !!
  8. A nice bright colored Alley for this "Sundays Best"
  9. I found a pic of the Easter bunny !! No pics of the eggs yet, I'm still looking ?? Definitely not your average "Cadbury Bunny"
  10. The beginning of your Marble Journey "Have Fun" here's a Peltier I.D. site link !! LINK : https://www.peltiermarbles.info/marbles
  11. Good to see the both of you Cole, thanks for postin a pic !! I was trippin for a minute on the fanny pack
  12. x3, Peltier Rainbo
  13. x3, all 100% Pelt, nice mibs Cole
  14. Some nice pelts, Akros, a handmade, Alley & maybe a Christensen, $$ all depends on condition ?? All choice mibs if mint !!
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