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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Not Fur ..... Pelt .... .... Hairy ....
  2. Start spreadin the news ..... Yeah !!
  3. WoW !! Guess I'm livin in Florida compared to that ....
  4. Yesir !! NLR Dragon !!
  5. "Happy Monday" A couple pix of a "MK Blended Spiderman" Same marble, both taken inside under 2 different style bulbs.
  6. Ah !! Yes I use it for movies & documentaries, never thought to use it for mib research, "Thanks Steph" goin there right now !!
  7. Thanks Steph, was that "Internet Archive's", i.e. (Wayback Machine) search engine you went to find this link ??
  8. Talk about the obvious 'Flip Flop" Nice Bo !! A definite keeper
  9. Agreed, I'm seeing Rainbo structure as well, yes a very nice one !!
  10. Agree, I see Pelt. Rainbo as well. I was going to say does it have a dark amber base but upon taking the time to actually read the full description as I should, I see that question has already been answered.
  11. Chad G.

    A nice one

    Agree, foreign to me also
  12. Congrats William, they can vary from that "pea green" base to a much darker "forest green" even "transparent base, and still be a dragon. There are so many types of Dragons and variants now it's making my head spin. LINK : https://www.peltiermarbles.info/peltierdragons
  13. Agree, Peltier NLR Dragon, a bit of a variant but still a dragon.
  14. Chad G.


    We !! I guess Tommy's could be a "skunk " I'm just used to seeing them in a typical 4 ribbon Pelt Rainbo configuration like thus one.
  15. Guess this is what they mean when they say common, "WoW"
  16. My "Sundays Best" Akro Milky Oxblood Two views of the same marble. The oxblood doesn't corkscrew but instead meanders all over the marble.
  17. Chad G.


    I see Vitro in yours and Pelt Rainbo in Joeps !!
  18. "Welcome to Marble Connection Erik" Yes !! recognize ya from AAM plus I contacted you concerning marble purchases a while back. I'm from Rainier Oregon originally and now just across the bridge in Longview WA. so were only about 35 mins apart. Again "welcome" marble Brother !! Chad G. (AKA PELTmaster)
  19. I see Master !! Thanx for the outside pix
  20. Yes, # 8 looks like another Veiligglas pull.
  21. I see a Peltier, possibly a "ruby bee, depending on if it contains aventurine or not, possibly some good Akros too. "Condition" is always # 1 I see a lot of ware, fleabites, missing glass, hits etc. in fact I can't see any without ware. To get a more accurate look you'll have to get closer and take multiple views of the same marble to check condition and make an accurate I.D. One good marble can pay for the entire group "or not" Only one way to tell. No way to get any kind of idea from your pix, I wish it was quicker for ya !! Suspected "Peltier NLR Ruby Bee"
  22. I visited Bing news today like every morning and it was refreshing to see people using a form of the old "Ballot marble" system again. A new twist on a very old idea !! A use for marbles going back well over a hundred years. LINK : https://www.sabcnews.com/sabcnews/gambians-vote-for-president-using-marbles-in-key-test-for-stability/
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