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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. "Happy Monday" I'm hittin the hay, night you all ...
  2. No yellow, I don't see Vacor Odin, Hmmm ... not sure ?? The first one sure looks like a "whacked" Pelt !!
  3. Wow !! That's cool Tommy, what a great hobby, I've always wanted to do that, the creek beds and ground around here are somewhat lacking as far as the gold content goes. To do any good you have to go Northeast to the desert part of the Oregon. My uncle used to have a dredge and a dry setup like yours.
  4. Good Moring Slag & Swirl Saturday Christensen Single seam Amber slag : Peltier (onyx) Amber Slag, i.e. Peltier feather slag :
  5. Alley Peltier Joseph Coats Akro German Handmades
  6. What a nice clean mib, nice to find one in such nice condition !!
  7. Hmm !! Definitely not Pelt, looks like a couple of W. Va. marbles ?? First I'd say Alley, second one I have no clue ??
  8. Not a lemonade but it does have the highly UV reactive ade glass w, hvy oxblood corking around it. Glows w/ kind of a little weird looking slightly orangish tint. the looks of the glass remind me of being somewhere in between custard and lemonade. A keeper anyway @ .76" and a nice mint w, only one small micro asmade dimple in the oxblood. I thought it was lemonade forever until I took the time to look at it side by side with the other lemonades !!
  9. Don't remember if I posted this or not. Another game similar to two games I already have that so remind me of rolling baseballs for a prize at the fair when I was young. Cotton candy, hot dogs, pop corn and the smell of beer sausages filled the air as my pockets were emptied ... ... Oh how I long for those long sweet hot Summer nights with my friends. The game is used and functioning of course, ya know I have to take it for the occasional spin down memory lane
  10. "Happy Akro Friday" Some new Arrivals, not rare but nice and minty clean
  11. Is the mib green or is it just an illusion ?? The av seems to be putting off a green sparkle ?? Not that it's going to solve anything but you never know ??
  12. This is Amazon, I gave up on the battery ones except for when I got to shows. The last 2 pair I bought at harbor freight for $1.99 each. A personal choice, the pair of General digitals I have were $39.99 and the batteries are 3 bucks a pop, guess I'm, just a cheapskate?? Harbor Freight : Amazon, same price but 4 at once, the lettering wears off but way cheaper than the batteries :
  13. You're right, I seen some sparkling, it does look like av. Dave, I'm stumped, I still think foreign made but by who I haven't the slightest !!
  14. Agree Art, black glass is a highly disputed subject, confusing many, including me. Black is never expected, I don't think ?? All perspective I guess ?? A combination ?? overlapping ?? Who knows !! Except the actual people who produced the glass in the first place, sometimes I know as we all do, wish we could've been there.
  15. All the pix are of different marbles, I held that black one in hand and tried to see what color it was w/ the brightest LED I have, nothing, no brown. red, green, nothing would come through except a light reflection of what looked like a clear coat around the outside. Wish I still had access to it but sold, down the river and long gone. I'll keep looking for those other pix though. A Joseph Coat with several ribbons of brown in it & Av. I think if you can imagine it they made it at some point, even if it was a mistake. With so many so called one offs, who's to say I guess ?? I have some banded & ribbon cores both w/ brown & black ribbons but haven't taken any pix I know of ?? I need to look or get off my duff and take some new pix ??
  16. Another Joseph's Coat, at 15/16ths a great example, for some reason I'm drawn to these brighter colored late Victorian Era coats. Pictures were taken by the one I acquired the mib from, my friend Terry.
  17. I'll call again later. Hopefully I get a reply, sooner or later I will as I'm getting a few Handmade Pepper mint swirls and an av Joseph coat from him, so not if but when, soon I hope ??
  18. Well I found a couple old pix in my folders, not very good ones but maybe give a little idea until I get the others ?? I know that normally they were all cased in the original base color, just wondering if they went to the extra effort to case black in clear ?? The first pic was taken w/ a 200 watt bulb and a flash, I know a lot of reflection but that's how the individual takes his pix. Might be a really dark olive green or another color similar ?? A rarer colored cerise for comparison, also taken w/ the 200 w and a flash to show the condition of the marble.
  19. Yes I have Bauman's book and no it's not mentioned as a color for mica but there is true black in other old German handmades that light will dimly penetrate and show that it's not amethyst, dark purple or blue. I've seen what people are claiming as black and I could do nothing to prove it otherwise. Completely opaque no matter how strong the light. I'll do my best to hunt down a few pix for ya and see what you think David ?? There was no visible mica on the inside at all, as said they must have been cased ?? I just called someone who has sold a few of them over the years, hopefully he can drum up the pix for me !!
  20. Never seen an Imperial w/ av. , "if" they do have av maybe something else other than Imperial, unknown to me ??
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