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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Nice !! I was wondering if you had any Black micas ?? I' haven't ever seen a quantity of them just like Red. I don't really understand why, maybe a problem w/ fracturing in the annealing process ?? Just saying if I had a choice back when they were being made it would have been Red, am I alone in this choice ??
  2. Another "Beachball type Joseph Coat" slightly shrunken.
  3. "Thüringen Thursday" Another Josephs coat, slightly shrunken w, av in the dark green veins. Please excuse the blur, I took this one a long time ago !!
  4. "Peltier Flaming Dragon Submarine" LINK : https://oldraremarbles.com/product/peltier-submarine-dragon/ "Peltier Golden Dragon" LINK : https://marbleconnection.com/topic/25949-still-on-the-quest-of-golden-dragons/ Here's the "Peltier Marbles info site" link Gina. I hope this helps ya out a bit, there is another type of Pelt Dragon that just got named last month but I'll wait till it's official. AS far as seeing things inside marbles I've seen just about everything from oven brick to dust, dirt. and metal along w/ a few other as yet undermined things. Cyclone is exclusive to CAC as far as I know, the term Tornado has been used loosely by just about every manufacture including old German handmades. Oop !! I almost forgot, yes several marbles carry the term "Submarine" attached to them. "But" it has been stretched to the limits (lost it's meaning) people are calling almost anything a submarine for the $$. The first time I heard the term it was used to describe either a CAC or one of many German Handmades, I can't really remember which it was ?? LINK : https://www.peltiermarbles.info/peltierdragons
  5. I wish they all had jumped around on the rollers like that one !!
  6. Looks foreign to me as well, maybe Imperial as said by mibber ??
  7. This Superboy is exhibiting the checkerboard pattern. the ends of the reddish ribbons don't meet but instead alternate creating a pattern similar to the layout of a checkerboard.
  8. Not a "Checkerboard" pattern, "I wish" The pattern is just as the name describes but must carry further than one set of interlocking ribbons, a (Checkerboard) the ribbons will appear to be able to interlock not swirl. Maybe I'll look for a better description later ?? Still your Zebra is a nice marble Art !!
  9. "Happy Peltier Tuesday" I just got this in the mail today from a great Marble Brother & Friend. A wet mint 45/64ths Peltier NLR Tiger w/ av. I have several Tigers already but really like them as I'm sure they were favorites of many a youngster years ago. Good to find these shooter size of any type in beautiful mint shape. I know you can only see a minimum of silvery av but believe me it's there w/ a touch of blue also. I was in hurry to get this pic and didn't concentrate on the av. If I remember I'll take some better pix at a later date !! What appears to be damage are only subsurface air (gas) bubbles, I couldn't even find a micro flea, a very clean marble, I'm a very, very happy camper. I'll try and remember to get all my tigers and wasps together for a group shot. Tigers are some of my favorite Pelts for sure. Still chasing a checkerboard pattern, I've only seen a few with it and regret passing on them as they're nearly impossible to find now. 🐯 This isn't my marble but an excellent example of a Peltier NLR Burnt Superboy with the checkerboard pattern that I'm looking for. Not just Tigers but any NLR with this pattern. PM me if you have an NLR with this pattern you wouldn't mind parting with, excuse but I had to throw that in !! It's getting to be like hunting Dodo birds or looking for a passenger pigeon.
  10. Feast or Famine !! Hey !! wait a minute, is that Noah's ark ?? ....
  11. I lean Alley on the first as well.
  12. Stephen Bahr has another great new vid out on YouTube with Ron covering some more Alley history. LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-L3bqIThYc&t=500s
  13. "Vitro" check for green av or small chunks of colorant in the green, it may or may not contain either ??
  14. Yes, there are many Master Tigers eye types in the same "Family" as some say, very similar. Whereas Vitro, for example has a much wider spectrum using the all encompassing Tigers eye name, a true "Land of confusion" to many new and some seasoned collectors as well. All in good time I guess !!
  15. You may be right on the one on the (L) I can't tell from here, neither on te one on the left. But the Pelt is another rainbo, a "Ruby Bee" is opaque yellow with red ribbons that have to contain av to be considered a "ruby bee" otherwise just a "red bee" Peltier NLR Ruby Bee The av is there but very fine silver and barely visible where the sun is hitting the mib. There are some heavier areas in the center of the red ribbons on the other side but this is the only pic I have at this time.
  16. Akro doesn't look like a "special" to me, has to have 3 colors not including white. Sorry nothing on the center one. The Peltier is just a regular rainbo, though the opalescent base is nice, still not a "red angel"
  17. Yes, and the right prerequisite colors too, black, orange, white and clear transparent.
  18. I see all 3 now, Wow !! well worth the wait. On a side note, did you buy these complete or have to do a little backfilling ?? Just curious, I've heard backfilling can be a long drawn out nightmare.
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