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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Kinda lookin W.Va. swirl to me ??
  2. One that has Evaded me thus far, a "Marble King Pixie" AKA "Pixie Dust Cat"
  3. "Happy Monday" I know only a clip from one of my displays, I really need to get with the pix & will this week.
  4. Agree, I don't see Pelt tomato, Peltier Tomato is a Rainbo, I believe it was named by Scott Legrand AKA (ednargel) the white is on the outside of a red translucent base, though in hand the base presents opaque. AAM LINK : https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=24544&p=251189&hilit=peltier+tomato#p251189
  5. Fantastic, I couldn't take my eyes off "it" I sure wish TV was still like that. Ah well we can watch this all the time now !! Thanx Steph, made my day !!
  6. Gonna stick with the Akro theme, that way I know where I'm at posting instead of hopping all over my folders getting lost & reposting. My Best Blue Egg Yolk Ace, also a shooter, not U.V. reactive, I do have one that is but they are a bit HTF. The apparent debris on the bottom is only a reflection, this one is clean.
  7. My best Akro Blue Oxblood Ace & the only one of these I have in shooter size, a tad over the .75 mark
  8. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Glad to see you started up collecting again. I've made some lifelong friends in this hobby and have found it to be a very worthwhile and rewarding venture. Many years of accumulated knowledge here and knowledgeable people more than willing to share what they know. Have fun and again "Welcome"
  9. several companies make exactly the same thing, called "Eva Foam" I think. I like the the two colored type as you ordered, you'll find the full bed size also, I've used I don't know how many to make my own boxes and displays Chuck (cheese) is the one that gave me the link in the first place. Aha !! found the full size that cheese gave me the link to in the first place, this one comes with a vid for ya to watch. LINK : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018OOE2ZC/ref=sspa_dk_detail_5?psc=1&pd_rd_w=LozjE&pf_rd_p=9fd3ea7c-b77c-42ac-b43b-c872d3f37c38&pd_rd_wg=
  10. It's a ying - yang pattern, there were loads of them in the mix, I kept the best ones and cleaned em up. Hang on a sec, I'll get the foam link to Amazon. This is the link to the seating pads, there are two sizes, the better deal is the bed sized one. A little research will turn up just what you want. I ordered both and glad I did because of the differing sizes in the holes, one fits up to 11/16ths comfortably and the smaller pad like this one, has bigger divots & will hold 3/4" and a bit bigger very comfortably. Waterproof and easy cut to fit whatever your dimensions have. LINK : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RGD37M5/ref=sspa_dk_detail_7?pd_rd_i=B07RGD37M5&pd_rd_w=yEHxn&pf_rd_p= Here's a pic of one of the Heaton "corkscrew" lookalikes
  11. No problem, just passing on what I've learned !!
  12. "Birthday Greetings Rick" Hope ya have a great day Brother, keep away from the crazies & stay safe man ....
  13. "Merry Christmas" thanks for getting the holiday ball rolling William, Guess I'll have to post some pix a bit later. Well maybe I'll just add a greeting to a picture !! Almost forgot, Tubby sends his greetings as well !!
  14. A late post of some Akroware, 3 different kind of cups, octagonal, concentric ring & two large smooth inner panel. I dug these out not knowing exactly what I had, I have some pumpkin colored octagonal plates hiding somewhere also. Man I need to get with it and put them together "maybe"
  15. A good variety of Heaton Swirls all from the last dig, some named some not. I got lucky and scored some rare ones, I posted individual shots of all of them a while back, somewhere ??
  16. Leaning both Alley, I don' see Pelt in the first one ?? I'm sure others will chime in Bruce !!
  17. I forgot to mention that, the wind is rippin here too.
  18. Wish we had a taste of them flakes, just above freezing here and raining like cats and dogs "miserable"
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