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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Not an NLR Christmas tree, NLR Christmas trees have an opaque white base w/ Red & green ribbons, OP is a rainbo IMO 5/8ths 7/8ths
  2. Here's a 1 & 7/8ths" MFC green slag known as the Hulk, I'm still lookin LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14908&p=123894&hilit=largest+MFC+slag#p123894 Here's one @ 1&13/16ths LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9316&p=76431&hilit=huge+MFC+slag#p76431 MFC made slags almost 2" here's a group going from 1& 3/8ths all the way to 1& 15/16ths LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8004&p=64203&hilit=huge+MFC+slag#p64203
  3. I agree, it's lookin like a Parrot to me also, still a great find
  4. Take & post a few pix of it while in the glass of water if you can, showing front, back & side views, I know it's a lot to ask but just in case you really get bored ?? It is lookin kinda like a parrot ?? @ least for now.
  5. Whitman made all kinds of Chinese Checkers boards so probably made the boxes filled w/ the lowest bidders marbles would be my guess ?? Found it, w/ the game as well, nice box BTW Brad LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/164980732328 Here's the wooden version of the board from Whitman W/O the box of game marbles or the orig. box. LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/144629916283
  6. Also leaning Akro here, though MFC is known to have made most of the larger slags.
  7. Nice sulphide Brett Submerge it in a glass of water for some amazing clarity All the nicks and dings will disappear when underwater in the glass.
  8. Some dug Heaton for this "Slags & Swirls Saturday"
  9. Not quite IMO, Lemon Limes come in Opaque based and semi translucent base. The OP looks like it has a transparent base, I do agree it's a Pelt but what I'd consider a really nice Rainbo not seeing NLR ? Semi transparent or Translucent base :: Se Opaque base, X 2 :: There is also a hybrid Bob Block has for sale, part opaque and part translucent, I'll see if I can track it down,. Ah Ha, found it. LINK :: https://www.ebay.com/itm/184863739622?itmmeta=01HPRM5D5GDAP6EZTJGH8KFW2B&hash=item2b0abccee6:g:DBgAAOSweKRgtOdC&itmprp=
  10. Dug !! no wonder I couldn't I.D. it as Pelt.
  11. Looks like one that didn't quite make it to crow status.
  12. Chad G.

    No idea

    Looks like a Yellow base game marble to me, not gonna guess on manufacture. Yea after so many it get's really hard, kinda like saying "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" 10, 000 times, after a while you can't even talk ...
  13. Not Christensen, Akro or Jabo IMO, it's getting whittled down rather quickly ( do you have a size ?). I know wonky Vitro's are almost impossible to come by but I'm still gonna vote a Vitro Blackie (also known as reverse Blackies) Newer type, the base is a thin dark color w/ the veneered blue, only marble I can think of w/ that specific color combo IMO. Though I've never seen one a fold crease or double ingot that's why I asked about the size ?? Oh, and the transparency ? I'm probably way off since I've never seen one as wonky as the OP, Vitro's quality control was unquestionably excellent. Just some food for thought LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=50788&p=366178&hilit=vitro+anti+blackie#p366178
  14. Some Orangeade patches for this "Akro Friday" not my mibs but Very hard to come by ( @ least for me) so I had to post the pix.
  15. Bloody Marys & Tracers
  16. OP is a Rainbo, Poison Bee's have av. & a yellow base. OP base glass is White, ribbons just overlap it.
  17. Not a PPP, not sure what it is ??
  18. Yes, 💯 a Champion Red Cloud, when I first I.D. mine I thought it was a Hot Wheels. Ron @wvrons (R.I.P.) stepped in and gave me the correct I.D. Great mib BTW Brett
  19. X2, no Pelt, Vacor here
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