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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. #2 red and yellow looks like a Pelt ?? Any Aventurine in the red ribbons ?? If so a Ruby Bee, If not a Red Bee
  2. WVS, Alley, Champion, no real way of being absolutely sure IMO
  3. Yes, clear to 1" and maybe a hair over, the OP looks to be a Pelt Rainbo IMO
  4. The ones w/ true black, the solid cores, look for av w/ a loupe in the green ribbons, the same canes are very nice also. Best IMO are the solid cores w/ black, next would be the latt same cane w/ the black ribbon. Ah, I like em all man !! This is my #1 pick;
  5. I know it reminds me kind of a Peltier Feather slag also but a feather slag has a transparent base, same as all slags no matter the manufacturer, in this case it would've been transparent blue, still an excellent marble.
  6. My camera does the same thing on wide angle Makes the mibs on the ends look like eggs, I've tried to correct it but eventually gave up
  7. Mmm yeah, I'm really likin that Alley , moibs I don't think are out of round, it's the way the pix are being taken evidently ?
  8. Yes agree, a tri level solid core
  9. Can you get a closer shot w/ a couple different angles ?? Looks like a Latt from this pic but I'm not positive ?? Does it have a colored core ? if red & yes it would be impossible to see using a red bowl
  10. Vitro Phantom Conqueror IMO
  11. Says not secure on mine also, I just scroll down & click the "advanced search" and it lets me in. LINK :: https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en Andy's second book on Vacor will be coming out soon, I know a few of the contributors and already have 2 copies ordered, as soon as he has it published I'll post it here. BOOK RESERVATIONS ; LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/28130-greetings-from-an-alaskan-marbler/ LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=49452
  12. Another great vid from Stephen Bahr. LINK :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkugKeOTP28
  13. x2, agree, Vitro cats, my favorite
  14. Can't make out whether the ribbons are divided or not on the larger one ?? Has some serious miles on it. It does appear to be a naked core i.e. no ribbons of color on the outside of the marble, everything look's like it's on the interior ??
  15. New to me also, never seen it !! Good find Brother.
  16. Nothin like a couple nuggets of fresh fried vitamin G .....
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