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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Yes, we have one right here .... LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/26697-marbleholics-anonymous-meeting/page/4/#comments
  2. I agree Brad, they appear molded to me ??
  3. Yes, every post you make counts toward the 100, your total posts will show next to your avatar & in your profile, you'll get there quickly
  4. Buy & sell forum is here, it will appear to you after you have 100 posts & become an established member. Unfortunately a measure we had to take to protect other board members.
  5. The teardrop shape and placement of the holes has me confused
  6. Chad G.


    x3, glass marble (Pelt Rainbo) no mineral agate
  7. x2, appear to be game mibs to me also
  8. BIBLEfreaks store (Matthew Davis) LINK :: https://biblefreak.org/Marbles/store/
  9. To my knowledge "Novas, Rootbeer floats, Champagne's" and associated marbles were all from a single day run in the 80's LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=38379&p=283233&hilit=peltier+novas#p283233 LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=36325&p=273100&hilit=Peltier+Novas#p273100 LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=7783&p=62130&hilit=Peltier+Novas#p62130
  10. Andy Gump fo this weeks "Peltier Tuesday" & a yellow based Rainbo for good measure
  11. Chad G.

    Mealworms ?

    Do I smell french fries ?? All this talk about mealworms is makin me hungry
  12. https://www.google.com/search?q=marble+races&oq=marble+races&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l8j0i10i512.7650j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  13. Alley Shimmering Spruce, nice mib Joe, one of my first and still one of my favorite Alley's
  14. Messed up PPP IMO, not seeing any Vacor or Akro traits so leaning to the default, Peltier
  15. Chad G.

    2 for ID

    No Pelt on either
  16. I think @ least some are from a 2009 contract run, I got some from one of the investors, many had dark oxblood like that & transparent bases, nice mibs Brother
  17. Some of my Favorites for this "Sunday's Best"
  18. Found some info on a past post here on MC, definitely between WW1 & WW2, trying for more info but this may take a while, definitely after the supposed early 1900's end of production date. LINK :: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/17876-some-nice-and-colourful-single-pontil-marbles/ Hi Hansel That is a really interesting leaflet. I tried to do some research in the internet. I found this book here in which all the glass-manufacturers in Germany were published, the "Glasfabrik Wernerhuette" too. The book was published in 1907. http://archive.org/stream/deutschlandsgla00unkngoog#page/n2/mode/2up But more interesting is the fact, that on "your" leaflet is mentioned that they also produce glass-parts for radios ! According to google the first radio-station in Germany was on air in 1923 ! So the leaflet has to be published later, my guess is between 1925 and 1933, when Hitler was elected for chancellor. So this leaflet proves that marbles like sulphides, onionskins and swirls were definitely produced between WW I and WW II which is very interesting because I (and probably most other collectors) always have thought that no such marbles have been produced after WW I !! So the time range for these marbles has to be approximately from 1870 to 1930 or so. Really really interesting, thanks a lot for posting it ! Ron
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