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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Waiting to see what the 2nd mib is? really like that one!! wish I could help you with it Boris! someone will eventually give us an answer!! Hello out there!!!!!
  2. Gladys

    Alley ?

    Hi Fire! this one to me looks maybe like messed up or double ingot Akro ? just guessing! everyone stay calm! lol
  3. Gladys


    Very cool Fire! wish I could help,2nd the not Vitro, not sure about Pelt maybe .....reaching out on a limb ugh...kokomo?
  4. What a beautiful ! gorgeous! marble♥ amazing! Thank you for sharing! I keep coming back to just to look! lov the back lit pictures to♥
  5. For my Sunday Best, a Sam Hogue marble he made in 99 ♥
  6. Hi Fire! this one is really cool looking, almost see some chocolate in there! nice one!
  7. Definitely an eye catcher! lov it♥ thank you for sharing!
  8. Hi Emily ,I think the 1st one is a Peltier feathered slag 2nd one not sure! Thank you for sharing love that color blue♥
  9. Happy Slags.& Swirls Saturday♥ .65 is this a fragili not sure how you say it! or spell it! lol
  10. Nice! and good to be back! Thank you!
  11. Happy Akro Friday♥ love the little blue streak !
  12. love this type! what great surprise when back lit! great colors
  13. Only one I found so far with the yellow and purple, not in hand so can't say size sorry Art !
  14. I will take a look in mine! That is a real beauty for sure!!
  15. Thank you Fire! It's been since forever it seems that I have taken pictures of Mibs !! I finally took some of yours!! Thank you so much! I sure do miss this place hope to be back soon!
  16. I think a prize name has to have at least 2 colors besides the base color? not sure though! it's a pretty one though!
  17. LOV IT♥ Great pictures William!! I know I shouldn't ask ,But how did you get them to stay there? amazing!
  18. Happy Akro Friday♥ size .87 Happy little Akro♥
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