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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. wow that is so cool! is the black ox blood when you back light it?
  2. Have no idea what kind of cats these are I just thought they where pretty♥ size .91
  3. Pardon me ! I think I saw some cats!! LOL (Adeline catching some rays!)
  4. Beautiful mibs, middle one looks a little Vitro? not sure?
  5. Thank you Ron , so they are not Fruit cocktail, but are they Peltier? Thank you!
  6. Thank you Fire there are 2 marbles 5 pictures of each, so all pictures of the right marble is the same marble ,and it doesn't look as pretty as yours!
  7. So pretty!! what are the bottom ones called ? skinny rainbows
  8. Thank you Ric . Vitro's are very surprising !! not sure why I couldn't see it until you all pointed it out to me! no such thing as a stupid question right? lov this place!
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