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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Very cool! and to think they might have been made the same day! just so fascinating that history gets me every time! possibilities endless! how many of our ancestors put ashes in them! sorry don't mind my rambling ! Thank you for sharing
  2. so pretty♥ the last one ! wow! You sure are becoming a swirl expert!
  3. Gladys

    Vitro ?

    sure is interesting! guessing Vitro did you backlight it ?Thank you!
  4. It is a beautiful Marble looks Vitro to me fancy or exotic one ? is it translucent ? and the size? I had one similar markings view link
  5. Gladys

    ID please

    Messed up Akro? but I love it!!
  6. Thank you so much for making that clear to me!!
  7. Pop-Eye in need of his spinach! LOL
  8. OMG I am having high anxiety!!!!!!!! what is the conclusion ?
  9. Thank you so much, for sharing your knowledge with me!! outstanding info!! so I have MCR's ribbons to the surface . Got it! I would love to see some of the ones you have ! Thank you again Chuck !!! much appreciated !!
  10. These came as bonus along with my last marble find! very heavy and I am just assuming they where made for marble use? Thank you!
  11. But is it a blues brother? Thank you I posted more pictures of the 2 I have on the Peltier question Post! Thank you Chad!!
  12. They sure look like them! making want a peppermint candy though!!
  13. more pictures of questionable Blue's Brother I posted back in July! Chad ! this is of the bigger one .66
  14. My niece lives out there and every time she comes back to the East coast she is pale but when she returns her skin is brown ! lol nice photo !!! lol
  15. Wow !!!! I would call all them Keepers for sure!!! beautiful! thank you!
  16. can you take a look at these for me? Thank you! both have lots of bubbles inside and are translucent I received them years apart from each other . also different sizes large one size is .66 smaller one is .60 Thank you!! I think they are different maker's one a Peltier and the other maybe MK ?
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