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Everything posted by William

  1. William


    Was thinking possible gamer also if nothing else 😊
  2. William


    In a few spots you can see into it, but only just barely. I was also thinking a game marble at first until I saw all this stuff going on with surface, plus it's size had me wondering. It wouldn't suprise me at all if you hit the nail on the head with the Vitro mention πŸ‘
  3. Blue one is 0.60 and the yellow base is 0.57
  4. William


    Found this old timer, a little beat up but like him! Thoughts? 0.63
  5. William


    I think I see what might appear to be a line of some sort? Also what appears to be somewhat of a "darkened" window? It's hard to see in the pictures, it's only on one side. Also notice those pale white lines? Taken in artificial light this time.
  6. Dark purple and full of little bubbles. 0.61
  7. This is the only "blue based" cats eye I have, it's like a pale blue...similar too yours Chad? This one is 0.57....
  8. Actually, there's some aspects of taste I might never get back. That issue comes with the surgery I had. Combined with radiation, it could be forever altered. We'll see. Once treatments are done, the healing process will begin. That could take weeks or months. I just need to continue researching, taste testing, etc. Today for example, I tried some sausage and gravy over biscuits. I promptly spit it out. Tasted like rusty metal? Right now everything is different. I'm learning that bland works best so far, even though it's not great either. Not having much luck with seasonings thus far. I tried eating some spaghetti and meatballs with spaghetti sauce the other day, putting some pepper on it for possible enhancement. It was like eating straight pepper out of the shaker. I didn't taste anything else in that mouthful. It sucks.
  9. Looking at a 3 day weekend thanks to the 4th, not going to complain about that! One less day without being strapped down is fine with me.... It's hard to believe only 6 more treatments left. Time has gone by rather quickly it seems. Along with the aforementioned side effects I mentioned before, I discovered another one on the way home Thursday. My facial hair was falling out. Pulled into Kwik Trip and noticed a bunch of small hairs on my shirt. Looked in the mirror and noticed the telltale spots on my jawline where it was getting thin and patchy. So, for the first time in years, my face is practically stubble as I was forced to shave it off. I'm confident it will grow back but still, it's a shocker when these side effects actually happen. It's one thing to know about them, talk about about them, maybe even see them happening to someone else. But when it's you, it manages to take you down a few notches. Hopefully, that's all I have to deal with being that I'm almost done. My appetite for solid food rides a razor's edge because of my taste buds getting bombarded. Making up for that at least with extra cartons of Ensure Plus πŸ‘ Going to continue to consider myself very fortunate because others have suffered far worse than I when going through this kind of thing. Anyway, my update. Have a safe 4th Of July My Friends! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  10. Your 2nd marble, I keep going back to that one though...it's an eye catcher too me 😳
  11. Great Vacor lineup...I've got one of those Fiesta's 😊....nice garage sale finds πŸ‘
  12. I like your green mib, Dave πŸ‘
  13. Like the 1st one Bruce...base glass red or amber?
  14. Loving that Blue twist πŸ‘
  15. William


    I just recently posted a little jar of Jabo's on the "One for Fire" thread in Marble and Glass chat that are just like this one, Sherri. I took the pic inside under not so great lighting so it's somewhat difficult to see the pink, but the majority of them are riddled with AV and glow nicely when lit up 😊
  16. Nice...a garage sale today I take it? Looking forward to your posts πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
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