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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. These boxes came with a variety of pouches, some were "Leatherized Plastic". Some were just older plastic and some were a larger weaved fabric that came in a varity of solid colors. You will see them in images with a bunch of different pouches. Stick to the older books to get a better idea of what is right. Very nice buy for sure! Marble--On!!
  2. akroorka

    3 jabo?

    All machine made marbles have seams of one type or another--two of them. It is just a matter of the way marbles are made. The glob is cutoff from the previous glob which falls away and then cutoff again from the next glob--thus two cuts on each marble. Each cutmark will produce a seam of some sort, somewhere in each marble. Often in Jabo marbles they are not so obvious because of the way the marble swirls around and in on itself ( forming the familiar "buttcrack" fold) but Jabos will have seams or cutmarks. Hope this helps. Marble--On!!
  3. It does look like one that came in between runs of differernt colors. There was probably more than one. Just my humble opinion. Marble--On!!
  4. I think that the bottom left is a messed up Akro. Marble--On!!
  5. I would not sort yours as an Akro Fire. I would look for other answers just like you are--I do not have them. Marble--On!!
  6. akroorka

    3 jabo?

    They all look Jaboesque to me. Marble--On!!
  7. Top left--Jabo imho. Top right--This one reminds me of a Vacor "Horse"--it is missing some black. The bottom ones need more input from the WVS folks. Marble--On!!
  8. Top left—probably Akro Top right probably Akro Bottom left Vitro imho Bottom right may be a Master—or an Imperial with a lean towards Master. Nice lookers! I appreciate all opinions and welcome them. Marble—On!!
  9. You may be thinking of any earlier version of these boxes. I have one of these in each size. #300, #250, and #230. There are no inserts in any of them under the cover on the inside. Just plain cardboard. I may have seen one or two like this with a stamp inside but no insert. Hope this helps--I think yours is complete except for the pouch. Marble--On!!
  10. Nice find Gladys! Great price as well! What do you mean by top inside cover? Marble--On!!
  11. I agree--nice marbles. Marble--On!!
  12. This one may be a weak version of the Vacor "Twister". Marble--On!!
  13. Hmmm, I have not experienced this problem. Blame it on the weather--lol. If it happens again get a hold of @Chad G. or @bumblebee Marble--On!
  14. I agree with all of the above. We all try to stretch our marbles into something that they are not. All are guilty here at "The Marble Connection" without a doubt--everyone that has ever posted and that is saying alot-- a whole lot. This is why we post a question. The OP is a very nice marble imho. Keep them coming! Marble--On!!
  15. Sure they can go. Fill a canning jar with clearies and put it in a sunny window first, you may want to keep them or sell them at a rummage sale. I have read of these creating burn marks so be carefull. Marble--On!!
  16. Nice marble. No names from me though. Marble--On!!
  17. There are no dumb questions here. Clearies and solids may find use by a number of crafters. I display a few larger clearies on the window sill. It is hard to seperate company from company with this type. Masters are pretty easy but the rest? You may get a box some day that needs a few, you never know. Marble--On!!
  18. Yes, Vacor does make some very nice cats. You have to pick through them just like the rest of the makers. I still see nets for sale once in awhile on Ebay. Marble--On!!
  19. That does not surprise me. I took my first one to a show to have it ID'd. Then I got the whole story. I have two or three somewhere. As I recall they were around 3/4". If I ever come across them I will post a few images. Marble--On!!
  20. These cats that you posted all deserve separate posts, they may get lost otherwise. This blue one may not be a cat imho Marble--On!
  21. Research Vacor Cats with these. Marble--On!
  22. Vitro x3 for sure--you are getting the Vitro vibe! Marble--On!!
  23. Nice "Whitie"for sure Melissa. Marble--On!!
  24. That is a nice marble for sure Chad but I am talking about 20 years ago--just killer looking Aliens. Thanks for sharing this one. Marble--On!!
  25. This is a WVS--possibly a Champion. It does look like it has some UV reaction to it--nice marble. More opinions are needed when I ID a WVS I appreciate them all. Marble--On!!
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