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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Without a doubt one of the very best Jabo Tribute marble runs. The “Megan Kasmar” run. My images do not do it justice. It is just a beautiful marble. Marble—On!!
  2. Nice lot Bro---accidents do happen. Marble--On!!
  3. That is a very nice display and it reminds me that I have a wall phone to rebuild---oops 15 years later. I will get it done--someday😁.
  4. Very wool--I mean cool! My garage cat would love them--sadley---- my basement cat has passed along to the big wool marble world in heaven. Marble--On Kitty Boy!!
  5. Yes MK Rainbows. My fave has alway been the "Girlscout"--green and yellow. Some may be newer and some may be older and I will let someone else describe the difference--I still stuggle a bit with that. Marble--On!!
  6. Good eye Art😁! I knew something was off a bit---very cool though. Great score Mojo!! Marble--On!!
  7. You are the Rock that this ship anchors to Chad--well deserved. Marble-On Big Bro!!
  8. I am just thinking that perhaps bit of glass was included in the glaze--Crazy stuff--crazy mind--crazy marble. I agree on the clay or ceramic part for sure. Crazy---On!!
  9. What is the chunky thing that I circled? It kinda looks like a chunk of glass. That is one strange marble--pretty cool. Marble--On!!
  10. I am digging the new avatar as well. Uranium glass--On!!
  11. I had to look at these a bit but I feel pretty confidant. Left to right. Akro Patch Akro Patch (look really close for some av in the black) Akro Corkscrew. Marble--On!!
  12. You are right there. The left is a nice Peltier "Rainbo". The middle one is a newer MK "Rainbow". The right hand one may be a Champion---or an Alley Agate. More opinions are needed and appreciated. Nice job! Marble--On!
  13. akroorka


    CAC "American Agate". A link below provides some info. https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/christensen-agate-co/ Marble--On!!
  14. It is the season to recognize those who we all love. Chad has been the "Big Brother" of this forum for a long time. Let’s show him our best and lift the spirits of our Big-Bro! Post what you have to the max. Happy Holidays Chad!!! Marble—On our marble collecting Friend!!
  15. akroorka

    WVS 2

    This one could be a Heaton or an Alox--or something completely different. I still suck at WVS ID. All opinions are needed. Marble—On!!
  16. akroorka


    A WVS "Spam" would more than likely come from Hawaii. Hawaiians love their Spam. McDonalds even sells a Spam-burger out there in the 50th state. Welcome to all of you in the Islands!! Marble—On!!
  17. You know Pelts Fire do not second guess yourself. It may be a "Hot Sauce and Mustard"(not a real name folks) but it is a Pelt. Nice one! Marble--On!!
  18. akroorka


    That looks like a nice clean “Japanese Transitional” to me. A pretty big one imho. Let’s see what the other folks have to say. Marble—On!!
  19. Nice Pelt!--No doubt! Marble--On!!
  20. akroorka


    Maybe a "Bacon" with a bit of egg-white on the side--just sayin!! I dig the yolk--where is the yolk?? And the buttered toast? Just kidding--Close to a "bacon"--not enough fat IMHO---and I will leave that to the WVS folks. Marble--On!!
  21. akroorka


    I think that you did well Scooter. The iridescent marbles are a hard thing to get an image of--maybe Vacor should hire you😁. Marble--On!!
  22. I agree with William on the Fiesta Vacors—nice ones. The Imperial was a good catch by William--not a bad looker that one. The pair of grey and brown appear to be Vacor “Cockatoo” they appear to have an iridescent finish. The biggest one with the light green base and brown swirls is more than likely a Vacor “Troll”. The bottom right hand one is probably a Vacor ”Lorekeet”. The two white based ones just to the left of the Lorekeet are Vacor ”Picasso” imho. The ones at the top that look like “steelies” are Vacor Meteor. Do not mind me doing all of this research—it just helps me to memorize all of these Vacors. Vacor has changed names and styles over the years and my effort will hopefully help you out as well. Vacor has not made many marbles that are not named—there are a few though. Thanks for the posting—I had fun! All opinion are welcomed and appreciated. Marble—On!!
  23. Here is a nice Akro ashtray with some unsorted corks. I just love-em. This type of ashtray is a heavy puppy at ½ lb—that is a lot of marbles. The corks are not too shabby either. I have some sorting to do---- Marble—On!!
  24. Ah the old slag vs. swirl vs. wire pull conversation. Slag’s have one opaque color, white. The base glass will be only one color as well, always transparent, from clear to electric yellow and everything in between. Some will be well filled with white some will be sparse. The white in a slag will follow little rhyme or reason, showing fine to thick lines and action with the white. Any marble that looks like a slag to you but has more than one opaque color or more than one transparent color is a swirl automatically. Swirls may show up often with only one opaque color, white. Many swirls will show more conformity to the white swirl of glass but many are all over the place. Experience is the only lesson as far as culling them from the slag’s. Wire pulls can have more than one color involved they also will have a transparent base glass. The opaque stream of glass in a wire pull can be followed throughout the marble as one very long, generally unbroken line/stream of glass. Some are easy to follow and some are very difficult, it can be a fun thing to try. I reposted your image and added some text. This is where it gets fun. There are two slag’s that I see based on my experience, the rest are swirls imho. The green one in between the slag’s may be a wire pull but I am leaning towards swirl on that one. All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Marble—On!!
  25. Yes--crazy cool----some look like Guinea bullet molds---go figure. Ya never know them all do ya. Very nice!
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