This is a great thread, let’s keep it great.
You both have so much to offer.
The newest generation of collector’s are like deer in the headlights trying to figure out what you are talking about.
Consider a truce and get together to inform the new collectors of what the older collectables were—they are coming back sadly, because no one lives forever.
The old collectables will become the new if the information is shared in a professional manner.
You are both pros and respected in your own right.
Like I said, you both have so much to offer—let’s get it on!
Patience gets thin with age—not me—it just gets better. I am a great grandpa almost three times (next month makes three)
Share what you know—just be nice is all that I ask.
Treat us all like kids and explain what you would know as if to a seven year old.
Thanks for all that you both have done for the community over the years and of course—