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Chris Parson

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Everything posted by Chris Parson

  1. Came home from a flea market with a handful. Different sizes. Cats eyes and opaques. Maybe there’s a red and white German striped opaque in there…?
  2. Wow! I didn’t know that they used to sell marbles. And well made replicas too it seems. 🙂 All I know is that Kalmar is (or was) known for the yoyo called ”Kalmartrissan”.
  3. Thank you kindly, Avva. 🙏🏼 Maybe I have a factory sealed jar left… Just saying. 🙂
  4. …stopping by. I am really not a part of this community anymore but I had a look at my marbles the other day and got a really good feeling. 🙂 Take care!
  5. Hello everybody! I’m popping up with my latest find! Not in prime condition but still made me happy. It’s about 19-20 mm. It actually has a core. Pretty straight strands of ghostlike white, running from one pontil to the other. Very tricky to capture with a camera.
  6. That's cool, Dave! Do you have Swedish marble connections?
  7. Yeah, I've seen those videos... many times. I got material but I lack the machine and the tools.
  8. Such a craft, using very common ingredients. I really wish for the company to get busy again.
  9. I just came across some photos from the production in the 1990's. Enjoy! The water soaked rape seeds are draining. Saturated rape seeds in the tumbler. Christer Johansson is controlling the size of the growing marble embryos. The marbles are growing. The size of the marbles is measured with a primitive wooden measuring device. When ten marbles exactly fill the tray, they are the right size. Marbles, straight from the tumblers, are being dried and hardened on this large rack. Dry and hardened marbles are being kept in a wooden crate before coloured. Christer Johansson is mixing the colour pigments. Finished marbles! 14 steps in the making of a Swedish stone marble; From seed to finished product.
  10. I saw two clips on Youtube about the Monroe County Marble Club in Kentucky. They play "Rolley hole" with what they call flint marbles. I was hoping that some of you guys could educate me when it comes to this. I am only familiar with the south Scandinavian flint stone, which is dark grey, black or dark brown. In these clips, the flint marbles are white and light coloured so I am questioning if my understanding of flint is the same as their. Here is Clip 1 and Clip 2. Enjoy and kindly share your thoughts and information with me on this matter.
  11. Yes, I was surprised how many VG-marbles there was in the lot. There was also some different sized cat’s eyes and a few stone marbles. Good input on the others, as always. Thanks Ric!
  12. I posted about this score here. Work your scroll finger and check them out. I’d say that 1-15 are Veiligglas, even if I’m not completely sure about 4 and 5. I have no clue about 16. 17 could be a German machine made (Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau GmbH) and @Ric had an idea that 18 could be a blue based Peltier Rainbo. So put on some coffee and dig in. (The green in 6 and 7 is just a reflection.) 1: 16 mm 2: 16 mm 3: 22 mm 4: 22 mm 5: 16 mm 6: 16 mm 7: 16-17 mm (slightly oval) 8: 15 mm 9: 16 mm 10: 16 mm 11: 16 mm 12: 16 mm 13: 16 mm 14: 22 mm 15: 22 mm 16: 18 mm 17: 19 mm 18: 16 mm
  13. Cool! It's worn and dinged... but still... The colours are beautiful. I think the other oddball in this group (the one to the right of the Pelt, in my palm) is a German machine made from "Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau GmbH". But let's dig deeper in my upcoming thread in the ID forum.
  14. Second hand findings. Some Veiligglas, some maybe Veiligglas and a couple of ”hmmm…?", with a few dings here and there. I’ll most likely post some of them in the ID forum.
  15. Thanks! Very intense and lots of bubbles.
  16. Currently I’m playing ”Railroad Ink”. Very relaxing but also quite challenging. 1-6 players.
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