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Everything posted by Alan

  1. True iridescence is a feature of modern marbles. Backlighting doesn't give good views or exposures.
  2. Most of these are not "9.9". If you described them anywhere near that and I bought them - I would return them shortly after opening the box. Accurate identification AND grading are important.
  3. Just remember that the "brightness" you are perceiving is reflected UV light reaching your eyes.
  4. Alan


    The glass doesn't look Akro to me.
  5. Alan


    What you are referring to as a "fish eye" is created as the molten (read: not solid) glass spins down the rollers. It is a completely circular motion. Note the circular motion in the glass.
  6. No - and the colors are quite different.
  7. My special thanks to the men and women of our Armed Forces who are deployed far from home where it feels very little like Christmas. I've been there and done that. Your sacrifice is important and well-appreciated.
  8. Real deal, but glass COE in the patch is often a problem.
  9. Alan


    More MK for me, dark red.
  10. I stated before that it is a modern piece. Starting there - its not hard to see how it is of odd design.
  11. Its for sale... Did something change from the first thread you started on this?
  12. Alan


    Not a CAC for me.
  13. Alan


    I'm not convinced that the brilliant, unnatural green is a faithful reproduction of the actual color. I've never seen a green like that. I'll suggest that its either HDR, 'Vivid' chroma boost setting or some very strange lighting - some over-driven flash etc. The pic is over-exposed.
  14. Yeah - thats why I asked for another view of it. It looked wrong.
  15. I would be interested in seeing pics of it in better light.
  16. Have you considered that they may be scratches in the iridescent layer?
  17. I looked at the pics carefully and all of the black appears on the surface in my viewing. Also - if it is iridescent, which it appears to be - how could anyone see into the center of the marble?
  18. I believe that half of it is broken off, which is why it was discarded.
  19. Either excess colorant precipitating - as you say, or added and not chemically dissolving, or a chemical reaction between other colorants or other cullet chemistry.
  20. There can be excess colorant in most dark glass colors. Its most common in green glass - but its possible in most, including red.
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