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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Agree with Superboy.
  2. I have a Barton bag with 4 shooter clearies and then these two with cat's-eyes.
  3. Good karma for you.
  4. Al Oregon

    Id help

    Almost feels like a busy oxblood (?) style Akro swirl.
  5. Thanks for keeping us informed.
  6. No, I have not seen one where Popeye is "cut off" at the waist. Similar bags show him walking but not a short Popeye character like this.
  7. Maybe even a wonky Vitro Blackline All Red.
  8. MK - newer - patch on both ends and ribbon in middle.
  9. Prayers for Jeff for speedy recovery.
  10. Vitro Whities - nice ones. The ribbon color is very similar to the Peltier Pearlized Patch - but it is Vitro.
  11. Something else - does not look like oxblood.
  12. Good find and work by your wife!
  13. Vitro - Helmet or maybe "half-helmet"
  14. Should be fun. Last year's had a good variety of collectors.
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