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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. This is a renown collector who has written several marble books. Not someone who is a a marble charlatan. Easy to criticize when you don’t have all the facts!!
  2. It’s a Alley lady (lavender) with orange rather than blue (lady sky). It’s a Pennsboro marble.
  3. I too was torn between Akro and Master. I’m leaning Akro as well.
  4. Yes and a very nice one too!
  5. Yes. Tiger eye type2 with no white and same color middle strip and different colors on each pole. Harder to find marble!
  6. You have nothing to apologize for! Keep posting!
  7. It is a red slag. Nice marble! I’m not certain it’s a Christensen, however. Let’s see what others think 🤔.
  8. Looks like a slag, probably Akro.
  9. Yes, if no orange in the red, otherwise it’s a Superboy. Hard to know for certain from the pictures.
  10. Peltier sunset, Peltier polar bear and Vitro IMHO.
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