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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Here’s a couple examples of a flame (most experts say at least 5 points or flames to call it a flame marble)
  2. Looks like an amber Akro slag IMHO.
  3. This would be an example of a chocolate oxblood.
  4. It is fairly shiny. Thank you everyone for your help!!
  5. I appreciate your thoughts! We are all trying to learn more about what we love; marbles. I definitely agree that some marbles are considered a specific “type” or have a specific name, but that doesn’t mean they are equally desired by collectors. Marble-on!!
  6. Please see wvrons post from March 31 regarding Parrots. Thanks.
  7. The Vitro has Purple, Yellow, Green and Orange and very little white. Why wouldn’t this be a Parrot?
  8. Peltier NLR multicolored swirl on left, Vitro parrot on right and ? middle marble.
  9. Look like Jabo marbles to me.
  10. Sorry, I didn’t see the heading on your post. Looks like Akro colors and just didn’t completely spin into a corkscrew.
  11. Does it “cork?” Looks like it might.
  12. Possible CAC due to the heavy white, IMHO.
  13. Even though there is some “feathering” in the second photo, I don’t think it is as fine and delineated as it should be for a Peltier. I think it is Akro, IMHO.
  14. I would go with Alox or Champion. Let’s see what others think.
  15. If a slag isn’t feathered, there is a greater than 90% probability it is an Akro, due to the great numbers they made.
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