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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Only the middle marble is a type 2 imo
  2. Unlikely Ravenswood, because yellow is very uncommon with that marble maker.
  3. Yellow and blue marble appears to be an Akro cork, not sure on the other one.
  4. Alley or Ravenswood imo
  5. Possibly a Champion furnace
  6. The one on the left looks like a Peltier multicolor and the right is an Akro snake. Very nice!
  7. Agree with Peltier Rainbo and no oxblood
  8. The yellow is uncommon with Heaton but does have some similarities
  9. I’m thinking Alley.
  10. Many West Virginia companies made blue swirls. I think they are Alley Agate.
  11. Carowill

    ID Help

    I was thinking Vitro TriLite but very well could be wrong
  12. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
  13. Congratulations on your sobriety!
  14. It is a shame that people are able to get some of the best marble identification and advice here at Marble Connection and yet they worry about their “feelings” being hurt. Everyone here offers their experience totally free and does so that others will learn. If you don’t like the forum and you think you know it all, then I think you need to start your own forum or simply leave the rest of the members alone. “No good deed goes unpunished.” Thanks Alan for your sage advice!
  15. CORNelian or CARNelian? Looks like the latter to me.
  16. Heaton and ear can have a tail.
  17. Seams don’t seem Vitro to me
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