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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. I would place it with CAC so Kermit could be warming up.
  2. Ron (WVRon) says yellow is very rare for Ravenswood and Heaton. The picture showed orange and yellow, so I felt Heaton was probably not an option.
  3. The yellow makes Heaton unlikely. Possible Champion.
  4. Carowill

    2 for ID

    Agree with Akro on the first marble but not sure on the green marble.
  5. That last picture looks like Ravenswood to me.
  6. Carowill

    Akro cork

    It appears to be an Akro cork to me.
  7. I would put it with Akro IMO.
  8. Carowill


    I would go with Alley but could be wrong.
  9. A swirl rather than a slag with a “9” and probably Alley.
  10. I would put this marble with Master. Nice marble!
  11. I feel better knowing that others think this is could be a Peltier.
  12. The last picture suggests a “9” and I would put this amber slag with MFC.
  13. I would put it with my Akro slags. With the red, not MFC and doesn’t look CAC.
  14. There is an outstanding post by WestCoast_ Dave on All About Marbles in the ID section (PPP question) with pictures of very unique dug Peltier Peerless Patches.
  15. I can see where a Pelt MCS is envisioned, but I would go with Akro personally.
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