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Everything posted by jhomer2172

  1. My wife picked this up at a garage sale on Saturday in a jar of cats eyes. Looks Pelt NLR to me. The white is a very very pale green so it’s weird. Maybe some strange Christmas Tree?? What do ya think pelt man? thanks Jon
  2. Too much of the New Math being taught!! Maybe there is a generation gap here too! an old fart 😀 Jon
  3. Hah! It still sucks to use tenths, but we’ve been over that! If you are going to digress why not go all One World and switch to mm?? Jon
  4. Didn’t I see somewhere here recently that a CAC trait was NO transparent glass in between the colored base and the white? Or was that referring to Ravenswoods? jon
  5. CAC and Pelt both did red, this isn’t either……., imo……, but, as pointed out many times here, we have all seen examples w/o them having much that would help nail down an ID! However, I’m not going to buy one as a CAC that I’m not pretty positive is one from the traits it is presenting. Just saying. jon
  6. Would .66 be the same as 2/3” lol, like the producing company used? jon
  7. AKRO slag, can’t be a MFC because they didn’t do red! jon
  8. Good points but it’s even seemingly impossible to get members of this blog to use fractions for reporting measurements. Mostly you still see peeps using tenths of an inch or even mm! Hybrid will not go away either, these things are too easily accessible it seems and hard to change once ensconced. Jon
  9. jhomer2172

    Mica ?

    2X for looks like damage more than mica!! jon
  10. More pics please, can’t tell much from that one! jon
  11. FYI.. a Joseph’s coat has colored threads that run from pole to pole with no base color, while an Onion Skin has threads, parts of threads, whisps and steaks of color over a base color. The color of the threads can vary and be diverse or very similar. Lol, your not an expert after two weeks!!!! You don’t know the half yet, I have 20 years and am not an expert and still learning!! Good luck! jon
  12. Agree, not an Indian and not a clam broth and not a maglight, not even handmade German. The first couple may be torch made modern, can’t really tell from the hazy pics. Jon
  13. I can see, if you have a polisher, treating whatever marble you want to polish. However, paying someone else to polish a $2 marble seems a little wasteful and foolish. But whatever turns you on, it’s your money! Jon
  14. The first one could be a Liberty Citrus, kinda weak on the orange but still, the second one imo is a beauty Ravenswood swirl. Text me if you want to sell it!! Hard to find. peace Jon
  15. Not a cats eye expert, but the Peltier site and marblealan site, among others, state that having a clear colorless base is one distinguishing mark of the banana cat. While the foreign ones were greenish or other colors. Hazel and orange are supposedly the most rare banana colors. Also some bananas had more than one rib and a red line. Sooooo..,. Yours doesn’t appear to be a Pelt..,. But who knows?? thanks jon
  16. Yes they are, made by Fisher back in the 1930’s and 40’s. The World Fair ones are the most valuable. You see them on line for sale for 20-50.00. Jon
  17. Here are just a few pics of marbles posted on eBay as Pelts. I know they are not, but what are they Jabos, modern WV swirls from various companies?? They are very different and exotic looking and getting several bids. What do ya’all think. thanks Jon
  18. And, though a nice slag, it shows none of those “ hints” about CAC slags. No seams, no road and tunnel, no feathered edges on white swirls, no 9, no Chevrons in swirls. Oh and no feathering swirls. Though, considering CAC made them for several years, they most likely had a few come out that appear Akro. And didn’t Akro sell CAC as theirs early on? jon
  19. Another nice Akro, not as valuable today as CAC or Pelt but the future is coming and they stopped making these a long long time ago and the new models are not as nice or rare. Prices seem to be going up and up on vintage marbles, So get ‘em now!! jon
  20. It’s a Silver Oxblood, no yellow in there!! Jon
  21. I gotta agree about the polishing, coulda bought mint one for that! Clearies? How about Japanese cats? Some times addiction fogs the thought process!! jon
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