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Everything posted by Jeff54

  1. Actually, 'Blood and Bones' while a recent name for this type, IDK 25-30 years ago. Or maybe longer ago too because, I have a set of 10 in my first edition 100 count box of corks, announcing prizes to the winners for naming them. Next to the yellow and black cork is a 'Blood and Bones' albeit not as nice as that you show with such separation.. I have not opened the box in many years as I do not like disturbing it but, I am pretty sure it is the only patch example in the whole 100 count box which is why I included it in this photo, to show that patches were being made in the same run corks were, the other 99 in the box are corks. Regardless, that name and colors has been around quite a while.
  2. Unfortunately, as far as ID-ing goes, that can easily be an Akro. And it does look as if it was dug there too. When it comes to hand gathered machine made and who did it, it's likened to have a near prefect sphere and well balanced 9 with or without a whip-tail to say it is a MF Christensen. However, with exception of a few colors that MFC did not make, there is no certainty.
  3. MK Cat eyes. To bad the photo is older because in 2003 the graphics were high enough to see everything much better. Regardless it's a sampling of the many variations you may run across:
  4. Opp's I forgot, not shown well in photos is also yellow and white blend. And, that they do not cross through squarely like MK is doing today and but, that different looking widened X was done like that for many years in the past too. I have plenty dug-up Paden city MK Cats where there's blends and striations in 4 vein patterns. I'll stick an old photo up in MK Mondy later today.
  5. It's a late 1990's MK. A little confusing as it's blended and wavy like a Vitro. MK made them in 5/8" and larger like that in a few other colors too. Here's the 3/4" to 1" Bolders in blending Blue and white, Green and blue and Orange and yellow. There's some almost straight but overall, they're wavy like Fire's..: This is a sample sent to me by a distributor for an opinion which is one of the reasons why I wrote 'Experiential.'
  6. Ying yang pattern; not gonna happen on a CAC road and Tunnel. I cannot say who made it. I have seen that happen on Peltier's, but it is not exactly feathering as they would yet, without having it in hand to see how/ what swirl it has, from cut to cut, maybe, by what the photos show, I am inclined to say Peltier. Regardless, it's one killer swirl anyway it goes. ? the lack of transparency of the red, in the photos, is berry interestink too.
  7. This ebay auction, saved in worth point, appears to be the same as the two you describe: Two Oxblood Patches-each 1" in diam. Akro Agate MM Marbles. Tri-colored. | #1732977095 (worthpoint.com)
  8. Looks like, after it was rolled and kicked in the gutter, bounced on the sidewalk 30 times and then used as sling shot ammo, tossing it into the fire pit, it just wouldn't die so, it went out to the ash pile where it sat until you came along.
  9. I was very pleased to have a hybrid the same as this as a young kid.
  10. Jeff54


    I do not see any discerning CAC pattern in the photos. . This is not the typical 'striped transparent' style they and all known CAC slags were made in. So, I guess that means Akro.
  11. So, it turns out I have one like it. I can't say for sure who made these, but the straight cut line and opposing curved line is the same as a bunch of my Vitros. Can't photograph it but have an old photo of a shooter angled on the curve side, while the straight cut-off line is not visible in this photo, is the same as topic
  12. So, Sunday's best is the green and red revealed without UV.:
  13. I had a few as a kid so, I guess they're unforgettable.☺️
  14. Appears to be of Vitro's Pastel colored, shooter sets.
  15. The only one of its kind: Red and highly UV reactive Green
  16. This deserves highlighting and emphasis as to the great difference it is compared to most other Oxblood Bricks. I mean, unlike others, here you have one that only Akro made. This Oxblood is of the type that's called 'Mottled' as it's different than the standard where are usually grindy and sandy lines. This does not show up in any MFC oxblood rather, you'll only find it in select Akro's like lemonade UV reactive oxblood and others Milky, unreactive and others that are 2-3 colors. Lot's of bricks out there yet, very, very few that contain an Oxblood which is mottled verses fine lines of red and black. MFC never did or moreover, have this this formula.
  17. My last photo really sent back a lot of bad vibes I wanted to avoid and so, Getting back to the fun part. Yet another old photo: Akro dug-up. The so acclaimed 'Experiential, Clear based Oxblood swirl:
  18. Think this belongs in the Vitro Gallery. IDK maybe mid to late 1970's or so.
  19. Wait, what; Clifford and Debbie White alias: 'kolieclify' and 'Cliffy' who I bought it from, more than 20 years ago,, did not dug mine in 2001-2 at Akro as they claimed? How am I not surprised. Ha! Ha! Ha! Heck, I can't find mine currently however, it is more like Oxblood than yours, yet it's close enough to call a match, 'Alley at Sisterville' dig site, obviously long before anybody dug there. Those two clowns never fail to surprise. On the bright side; at least it's mint. Thanks for the photo Ric.
  20. Not CAC and junky looking. The fake Bulgarian stuff was hand gathered and junky, but this is worse than those too.
  21. Another Poor old Photo. It's a dug-up and but, never seen anything like it. Not simply Oxblood and yellow which I've not seen In Akro but, poor photo is a little difficult to see; on the left side of it, the anemic Oxblood floating on it too.
  22. Yeah, green is not the same, but when you know the brown, it's all downhill. And I was reading Castle and Peterson's 1996 book, page 23 para 4, which says different for Unique and Hero. The Unique is "browns and purple on creamy white" and the Hero is browns on creamy white. They also say that they are like a version of the Sparklers but opaque, so there's more than just Hero and Unique moreover, they are just part of the Opaque sparker versions with more colors than Unique and Hero, like blue and yellow body glass and?.. . So, welcome back to more mystery. lol
  23. Yeah that is weird because, I have been using hydrochloric acid AKA Toilet bowl cleaner on glass since i was a kid playing with household chemicals. Store bought cheap Dollar store bowl cleaner on marbles, various glass bottles, cups, glasses, windows and more for years and years and never harmed the glass. Maybe they were in it for weeks or months or added more chlorine.?
  24. Old poor photo but the Blue Zebra's aventurine never fails to brighten up a day.:
  25. How interesting Ric. Do I spy a line of Oxblood too? (Hint: MFC, Akro and Germany's Ground pontal HG,, under UV light, Oxblood is Black as midnight overcast by clouds and can't see a thing.) Maybe we have another category for Unique and Hero. Dare I say: Exotics? As for the Green eye, I can't remember if that's what Roger Harty called it or if I did. I acquired mine from a collector so many years ago I forgot who, except somebody whom I trusted a lot more then the average and or who would not fabricate the story of where or whom he'd got it from. So, maybe it comes down to the brown and its make up. You'd have to study mine to see that it's pretty unique, in its own, as color goes. Transparent and the deep brown has filaments inside that's causing it to be so dark and rather special. It's not like any transparent brown I have ever seen for the contrast that's like separate chemicals blended together to achieve a 'Unique' effect. Could they all be like this? I have no clue because there's only one box on the net of each, Heros and Uniques which are restricted to viewers. I think they're the very same original boxes shown 20 years ago too. Yet, I've never seen them where this dark brown is so 'Unique'. Rather those original boxes appear as ordinary, in comparison to mine, dull.. So, I wonder; your brown, in the center patch, where it's deepest and looks like a perfect match in color but, does your brown appear as special as mine with filaments that darkens the transparency? IDK if it matters or not, but maybe.
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