Hey Steve,
Yep, those were from the grain elevator deal.
What a find that was!
These were in the box I kept for myself. I sold it a while back.
You don't get too many deals like that one.
Most people don't believe you when you tell them you had 40 or 50 Turkeys in your yard.
Like you, we're almost used to seeing large groups of them here.
Hello ausman,
Our spring season is most of May.
Mainly that's calling for Gobblers.
We get a great fall season too- most of November.
It's a different kind of hunting in the fall.
We can take hens or toms.
I know it's different than some folks, but we do live in the woods.
It is really hard to resist when there are so many.
I hunt other critters too, but
Turkeys are the best tasting game we have-
Hey Paul,
I've been as good as I can be...
Glad to see you posting here.
I'm just back from visiting your site-
I have to say WoW! once more. What Great Photography.
It is super when you have this kind of work to back up your 'A Little How To Photo Help' Post.
Thanks again,
In response to a few questions about the Purple Slag Marble we have on eBay,
Here is a better picture of the Marble -
I have upgraded the pictures in the listing as well.
Click this link to see them all.
Thanks for the bids so far.
Closing night will be fun.
We found a few old ones at an Estate Sale.
Here they are on eBay-
Hope you find them interesting.
Bringing my foundation trap line inside makes it easier for our Hawks to feed their growing youngsters.
They are doing a good job of keeping our yard & garden rodent free.
The traps will be back in play this fall.
My guess ( only a guess ) is that it's a Red Tail.
The Ferruginous Hawk:
"Large hawk, white head, streaked, rust-brown shoulders, back, and feathered legs."
I don't see the ' feathered legs '.
Maybe you'll get another look with more clues.
We don't normally get Ferruginous Hawks here in our area of the Northeast.
The one I have marked on my 'life list' was seen in Colorado.
Our clearing in the woods brings in dozens of Robins every year.
The Hawks that have been taking most of our Robins are the little Cooper's Hawks.
They are very woods oriented.
We have both Red Tails & Red Shouldered Hawks that come here as well.
Although they mostly take rodents we have seen both take Robins on occasion.
Hey m!b$,
Here is a good place to look up birds- What Bird.com
Here is the page for the Ferruginous Hawk-
Thanks for the nifty video.
I Love It! A Cloudy.
Yep, I guess it is.
Only a Marble Nut would have known that classification.
A Rosy
Have to remember though,
they're not Machine Mades.
Boy, those were the days. We sure had some good times at the marble show.
If the level of fun was the same now as it was at the Lenox,
I would consider going to another show.
P.S. Bob,
Adam still has the Grateful Dead tape you made at the concert back then.