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Everything posted by YasudaCollector

  1. So like European or Japanese? There were some Japanese cat's eyes in the group, and several older Vacor imperials (like 1970s ish). Could it be from either of those countries?
  2. Thank you! I love the character/colors in this guy. I'll try and take some more pictures, but my camera really didn't want to pick up the reddish tones of the oxblood. At least, hopefully I can get any cut off lines/seams in the glass in my next pictures.
  3. Cool! 😎 As a marble newbie, I assumed that oxblood would be made deliberately. It's fascinating to learn about colors being created by accident. I guess its kind of like pottery (which I learned in high school) - you'll never know for sure what will come out of the kiln/oven.
  4. Interesting, so a bit of oxblood got into the glass batch by accident?
  5. Nice marbles! I would guess that they are all Japanese or Taiwanese except for the red caged cat's eye. That one looks like a lot of Chinese cat's eyes I've seen.
  6. Sorry, the red in the oxblood really didn't come through in the pictures. I'm sure its oxblood since I bought an Akro oxblood in the same group (the brushed red glass on the clearie looked exactly like the oxblood glass on the Akro).
  7. We've all probably seen tons of those totally random clearie marbles in practically every single marble jar we come across. They usually don't come with much in the way of character/eye appeal let alone value. However, I think this guy stands out from that (at least a little).
  8. Man, that's really a bummer. 🫤 I've heard a ton of people say that marble shows are really awesome experiences. I admit, I've always been very interested in going to one. The Seattle one is really the only one that's feasible for me (as far as travel distance). Very good to hear that it's even better than it was a few years ago, it must be absolutely fantastic now! 🥳
  9. Probably not. Unfortunately, I really don't have any idea what this guy is. It's a really cool looking marble, but a real head scratcher for sure. 🙂
  10. I don't know for sure, but the orangey red and white marble directly below it (in the first picture) might be a Japanese transitional.
  11. Ooh, the big cat's eye is a cross through type. Those are a little on the more collectible side, especially in the bigger sizes.
  12. Likewise! That's so Cool! 😃 I've even been to Longview once before (a couple years ago).
  13. Here is my dorm room at the University of Washington (my home away from home):
  14. Awesome!!! Thanks Chad! It is so neat to see the original packages. I was thinking that I had a few Asian imperials, but now I think I'm leaning Vacor on them. The surface colors have more of a brushed appearance rather than the neat crisp stripes of the new Chinese ones. The colors also look more earthy in mine (like sunset orange, dingy greens, pale blue, and reddish brown).
  15. Is there a way to tell Vacor-made imperial marbles from Asian-made imperial marbles? It seems like both areas produced this style. I thought id ask since a lot of us encounter them pretty regularly in the various jars we buy. (I only save the older imperial marbles though, like those from the 1970s).
  16. I agree! Marble shows seem pretty awesome too (although I've never been to one).
  17. My brother also has this one: The colors seem way to bright and crisp for a West Virginia swirl.
  18. The dark green guy actually has these cool whispy threads of opaque glass all through the center. It didn't quite come through I think in the photos.
  19. Here are some others (not cats eyes though). Are they earlier vacor imperials?
  20. I found another one of those interesting orange peel cat's eyes:
  21. Interesting marbles! They look almost like master or vitro patch marbles made with Euro sparkler glass.
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