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Everything posted by YasudaCollector

  1. Since everybody has been posting their Yasuda transitionals lately, I thought I would create this thread for us all to share our Yasuda collections in. 🙂
  2. Just thought I'd ask, but did the codd bottle marbles ever come in the 1 inch size? I think I may have found one at an antique shop near me. It is a lavendar-ish tint, has a ton of bubbles, and has the characteristic rough spot and seam of codd bottle marbles.(It is in pretty bad shape though). Regrettably, I forgot to take a picture, but still thought I'd ask everyone about it.
  3. One of them came from the marble museum in Nebraska. I swear, that guy who runs it has any marble you can think of! 🤯
  4. Nice Japanese transitionals! The pink ones are pretty rare. (2 out of 95 in my personal collection).
  5. Here are 2 I got from the York Nebraska marble museum (the ebay store):
  6. Here are some other funny color combinations I found:
  7. The colors didn't come out as bright in the picture 🫤
  8. I stuck them in this old Chinese rice box.
  9. Here are all my vitro cat's eyes:
  10. Ooh, I have a lot of these Japanese marbles with straight pinch pontils. Should I post a few pictures? According to Aiko, all Japanese transitionals with pinch pontils were made by Yasuda. All of the transitionals with messy crease pontils (like Frankenstein stitches) were made by another Japanese company called the "Nippon Special Glass Ball MFG Co". Quite a mouthful! 🤣 Sorry for all the information, I've been emailing Shiroaiko a lot lately. She really has found a boatload of information though.🙂
  11. Incredible find! I thought the bit about the original prices of German marbles was really interesting. Were they really produced in large workshops by impoverished laborers (even kids) like the article says?
  12. Awesome vitro hybrid! I have a boatload of them. I really like how you can collect them for years and still find new color combinations. (I recently found one that is deep violet and cobalt blue).
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