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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. I WON!!!!!!! I didn't get the Last Dance, second to it. I don't have any, but I do have a place for them. Thanks again Lou for making me a happy camper. What a way to get over CABIN FEVER!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! marblemiser
  2. Steph FWIW A friend of mine makes knifes. The handles are deer antler. He uses TEA to soak the deer antler in to make it look like Red Stag. ( which is more pricey than deer antler). Although he doesn't sell these knifes/ They could be mistaken for something they aren't. Also, from what I've seen of these auctions. ALL have been questionable. At least by me. That is of course 21 years of studying marbles. In the eyes of a Newbie. They may look legit. Great topic for a thread. MORE to learn from. Thank you for it. marblemiser see below
  3. Thanks for the compliment VTAndrea. The nice thing about the purchase. It was listed as NM /w pocket wear. When it arrived, I noticed it was a little dull. After I went over it with some soap, water, and a jewlery cloth. It came out wet mint shiny!!!!!. A few melt spots was all. marblemiser
  4. The Blue Bee is mine. I got it from ONE STOP for best offer The Blue Custard was sold by marblealan awhile back for $87.00. They are HTF but NOT that hard. The real BLUE BEE's rarely come up for sale. GO, figure? marblemiser
  5. Save the Last Dance for me??? I'm in. Thanks marblemiser
  6. This is one that Alan sold awhile back.. marblemiser
  7. I think these have enough Orange to qualify?? If not feel free to delete. marblemiser
  8. Sorry Al, my bad. it was on e bay & it is Rich. Like I said it was a long time ago. I see your name here a lot & that's what my brain told me to say. marblemiser
  9. As soon as it stops snowing. And the sun appears. I'll give it a try. marblemiser
  10. Hi Bob Great pics. And some really mice mibs. What camera & lite set up are you using to get those great photos? marblemiser
  11. focused sunlight? not to seem naive. how does one do that? magnifying glass? marblemiser
  12. Oh contrair> I have 2 small Clowns that are opaque. I held them every light I had. The base glass would not let light thru. And the larger one is also. Also Al from Oregon had one for sale. He had a higher than average starting price. I missed the end of the auction & tried to get it for the opening bid. He still has it. Also orange orbital, just sold a blue based one. http://cgi.ebay.com/marbles-PELTIER-CLOWN-...1QQcmdZViewItem They are RHTF. marblemiser
  13. I saw this auction & it made me go, what am I missing? I know the seller is honest & up front. But this one has me stumped. Or is this a new breed? http://cgi.ebay.com/MINT-Peltier-Clown-Rai...1QQcmdZViewItem I thought a Clown looked like these? http://cgi.ebay.com/MARBLE-PELTIER-5-8-CLO...1QQcmdZViewItem marblemiser
  14. I just got the ( THE JUDGE ) SS frame 4 in. barrel .45 LC. + 410 shot shells 5 shot rev. Great for home invasion protection. As well as CC. where leagal. Also a Wather PPK S> 380. SWEET> marblemiser
  15. Well, it took almost a year for someone to offer proof positive. who'd of thunk it??? not only marbles! but enough spent .22 ammunition to start a small war. and if you happen to have lost a screw, nut, washer clip etc. Well here they are! http://cgi.ebay.com/CHICKEN-GIZZARD-MARBLE...1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. WoW I better get started!! I have several different pelts. Let me know what type you need to mak it 6. Maybe we can work something out? marblemiser
  17. Charles I feel your pain. I have 5 of this & 5 of that. I think I'll use the Tracers I have in the one box. And when I win the Lotto fill it with more exotic Pelt rainbo's How many Pee Wees would that box hold? marblemiser
  18. Here are 2 boxes that I have. They have mostly Pelt tracers & a couple Bloodie's. I plan on using the Tracers & finishing out the box with all colors ( Tracers. The other box I would like to use Blue Bees & Blue & Red Galaxys. If anyone has 5 Red Galaxy's, 4 blue Galaxys, 3 Blue Bees. And a Partridge in a Pear tree. Send them to me & I will glady send you a PIC of the box. JUST KIDDING!!! marblemiser
  19. Yes, that's right. what you said> marblemiser
  20. Some where in a box I have> Is a sicence project. It has black & white marbles that are used to make atoms? And molecules? There are plastic cards with holes in them. No I don't have a pic & it's buried some where down in the 19th century> marblemiser
  21. GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!!!!!! LOL marbleiser
  22. It went to a veery good home!! Thanks again marblemiser
  23. OK> these are refered to as Pump Balls. The red is 2 3/4 in. the amber Yellow is 1 15/16. as you can tell one is a clown> If any one else has any I'd like to see them. I hope this is sticking to the theme? marblemsier
  24. Still looking.> For more. marblemsier
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