The pee wee marbles were the best in a sling shot.
The flew faster & straighter.
The larger sizes didn't go as far & were harder to hold in the
pocket of the sling shot. But when all the little guys were gone
the others were fair game.
As a side note.
I lived on a mini farm. We raised chickens. When my mother would butcher them
She would clean the gizzards. Which sometimes contained???
YEP! Pee Wee marbles. MORE AMMO!!!
At the time I discovered that, I had over 3 thousand marbles.
When I finally graduated to a 22 rifle. I had 668 marbles left
mostly MK,s
The horror, the horror.
I do have a complete box of 100 ct OO. pee wee slags.
As soon as I figure out where to host my PICS.
I'll post some pics.