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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. Brad, The pee wee marbles were the best in a sling shot. The flew faster & straighter. The larger sizes didn't go as far & were harder to hold in the pocket of the sling shot. But when all the little guys were gone the others were fair game. As a side note. I lived on a mini farm. We raised chickens. When my mother would butcher them She would clean the gizzards. Which sometimes contained??? YEP! Pee Wee marbles. MORE AMMO!!! At the time I discovered that, I had over 3 thousand marbles. When I finally graduated to a 22 rifle. I had 668 marbles left mostly MK,s The horror, the horror. marblemiser BTW I do have a complete box of 100 ct OO. pee wee slags. As soon as I figure out where to host my PICS. I'll post some pics.
  2. Well that would explain it. I really need to get my camera working again. thanks a bunch Steph!!! marblemiser
  3. Hi Steph They are mentioned in a marble book I read once. I am not sure which one. Although I think it may have been the Bauman one with the yellow binder,or Greenburg's. thanks marblemiser
  4. Just a bump. To see if Steph has ever researched Glass pump ball valves? marblemiser
  5. How about PUMP BALLS? They were used in well casings as check valves. My guess is: They fit into a leather or rubber seal. when the water was pumped up. The ball rose to let it pass. then settled back onto the seal trapping it in the casing. when the casing was replaced with a more modern valve. The glass pump balls were smashed with another pipe & let to sink into the well it's self I have 2, one is 2 13/16" for a 3 in. pipe? transparent red & amber, the other is 1 15/16".for a 2 in pipe? clear with a transparent brown swirl thruthe center, like a twister both look to be hand gathered. I haven't seen or heard of anyone else having one? I'd like to seem them if they're out there> If I ever figure out where to store my pics I would take some photos & let you look at them. marblemiser
  6. Alan Great job, makes me feel I was there. Thanks for the hard work getting the PICS> Thank you marblemiser
  7. jtay It isn't if there is yellow following the red. and the base glass is off white. Yours is a Champion New Old Fashion. Mfg. in the 80's. I may have jumped to a hasty ID. Could you get a few more PICS? From a few different angles? Trying not to hijack the thread too much. Sorry if I guessed wrong. I don't know nothing, from nothing. All this time & still learning> marblemiser
  8. Not so sure about that. at 15/16" in. seems a little large for a furnace mib. IMHO. Mostly those are 5/8 in. I think. Could be a Champion New Old Fashion though. My 2 cents. marblemiser
  9. Hi again there was a thread last year I think. Where some one had pics of their collection. As I recall it had great PICS & INFO. marblemiser
  10. Ok then. Thanks MARBLEMISER
  11. Thanks for the imput. But what about bullet mold slags? What's the scoop on them? Would the price range be more? Say in the 7/8 in range? Any PICS?/ I know that I've read about them somewhere. Thanks again MARBLEMISER
  12. I have a question. I know there are marbles that are called (bullet mold). I think some were used in clawed ball feet, for furniture. Also there are slag's I think. When were these made from, to? Are they single or double pontil? Colors? Size? Also as to rarity & price? Are they vhtf or just htf ? Or coming out of the wood work? I would appreciate any info. Any photos??? Thank you MARBLEMISER
  13. Scott, Yep, they're alike. Your's is the one you out sniped me on. It was about a year ago Christmas. I really wanted that one. But as it turned out I did get one & more. The seller called it a Tequila Sunrise. When someone starts a clown thread I'll show that one too. . DANG!!! nice bunch of PELTS. WTG MARBLEMISER
  15. I don't think there's a difference. What I think he meant to say was Ruby Bee. IMHO marblemiser
  16. n2marbles For those of us that are still in the dark ages & have dial up. Please reduce the size of the pic???? Thanks marblemiser
  17. Hi All I just wont this Shooter wedding cake from Bob. I am not a Vitro collector. I know nothing as to the rarity of these or the going rate. I liked it & I don't have one so I bid on it & won. Is this a good price? An Ignorant mind wants to know. here's the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=330059377007 thanks marblemiser
  18. My sincere condolences to Sue and the girls. I considered Les a true friend, & mentor. I always liked the way he would get when you tried to get a deal better than he already made to you. That ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LOOK He will be truely missed by me. Maybe the Big guy can teach the other Big Guy about marbles. I am so sorry. Ray Starkey aka marblemiser
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