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Everything posted by MARBLEMISER

  1. Two words! NOT BAD!! All in one day?? In 24 years I don't have half that number in that size! Just think of the fuel you saved, not having to travel all over the country to find them.. WTG. marblemiser
  2. I'm still blocked from bidding on his auctions. I think the words cheat, & crook, came up in one of our communications??? And that was years ago. And he's still at it. E-bay gets there commisions & the buyers get something else> Kinda like something else going on in this Country. marblemiser
  3. Several years ago, there was a thread that talked of Glass Animals> Don't know if it was lost or is in the archives? Pretty sure yours isn't Alley/ cute though marblemiser
  4. Looks like a Champion New Old Fashion to me. If it goes for over$40.00 I'm rich!!!!!!!!!!!.. marblemiser
  5. The ones that I had that came from cereal, Were used in my sling shot. I wish I had saved a few though marblemiser
  6. I have sold several packs of 7 marbles in cellophane tubes. They all had at least one yellow & white St, Mary's 4 vane 2 color regulars. I still have several. They were given away with a package of hotdogs. The tubes get very dry & crack open. Don't remember the name of the hotdog co. Nice find BTW marblemiser
  7. I'd like to meet the bloke that could hand blow a solid sphere. LOL About as windy as the seller>>>> What's the condition?? YOU ARE BANNED> At least I'm on a list.<<<< Because I said so, that's why???? Sounds like an ego problem to me. Reminds me of someone else that doesn't like to answer difficult direct. questions marblemiser
  8. This guy is a black eye to marble collectors. I'm still banned from bidding on his auctions. There was a thread about him a while back. Nothing good comes from this guy??? marblemiser
  9. hummmmm? that would take some serious thought on my part. and some serious $$$$$ on your's. marblemiser
  10. Thanks Craig, Almostheimers is a bummer. almost total recall, LOL thanks for taking one off my hands. Maybe I can talk you into aq few more? There's always Feb. marblemiser
  11. Yes, Ann I guess I have a few to keep my spirits up. thanks marblemiser
  12. Yeah, Steph. They do bring a smile to my face. marblemiser
  13. Thanks so much for your info & insght. The show is over & only one sold. A 1 3/16 in green with a great 9 It went for the same price as Alan's. The show was one of the slowest moving & have attended. I was only there for a couple days. And only a few hrs. then. The economy has really had effect here, Although it's tough to sell to the people & collectors at these shows. They really don't want what they already have. What they do want is what another collector doesn't want to sell. There were few offers on tne mibs I had for sale. All in all it turned out to be an eye opener. Thinking of collecting something else. The thrill as they say is gone... just my opinion.. of course what do I know. thanks to those that showed interest.. marblemiser
  14. I have several MFC slags over 1 3/16" and a few at 1 in.?? Blue lots of white 9 Green (nice 9 ) Amber nice pattern) No pics.Sorry. any idea ball park as to value NM to MT?? I have been out of the loop for so long I have no idea. Some general help please?/ I know I cannot rely on the book values. and I don't want to get beat up on the price. Thanks in advance marblemiser
  15. Why is the format page so large? Now I have to move my curser to read the whole page/ Is there a way I can fix it? marblemiser
  16. . have any / many been listed on the bay lately ?? Mike Well if there has been any listed on e-bay. I missed them. That's one reason for my ?? I'm keeping mine too! Thanks marblemiser
  17. After finding out that my 1in oxbloods aren't worth more than $10.00. I'll take anything I can get!! Thanks Steph & mibcapper marblemiser
  18. Hi All I have some shooter size patch oxbloods. 1in.+ and down. I could use some help as to the value. I am taking them to the show in Canton for sale. I have no clue as to value of these mibs. I would be grateful for any help. Also I will have for sale a CAC Cobra. First one on left. thanks marblemiser
  19. Just aboout as good as the Pot Belly Pigs, I'd say. At least the beanie babies aren't eating everything in sight. There right up there with the Avon bottles>>>
  20. To triker At least you had a 401K to loose some?? I didn't & don't. The cost of education doesn't get cheaper?? marblemiser
  21. My Guess would be No. At least not untill most are hauled to land fills. Shot away in sling shots or busted in half playing chase ums on a concrete play ground. Three years ago I fell for the get them quick, before they fall off the face of the planet. I purchased 35 Jabo Jokers 1 plus a nice Jokers 1 box. For the low, low, price of $300.00. I recently tried to just get my investment back?? Only to find out that the price had gone from $10.00 to $100.00ea. For some of the special runs. To the LOW, LOW, price of $1.00 to maybe $4.00 tops. It sucks to think that one could just break even after 3 years & can't come close. Jabo's as an investment? I say for some. Not for me. When you lose $265.00 in 3 years. It's not a good sign.. Just from my experience anyway. marblemiser JABOJOKERS.bmp
  22. I got this box when they were still hot off the rollers. They'll be listed in the Buy, Sell & Trade forum. JABOJOKERS.bmp
  23. Steph You are the bomb!!! great ad. an vid. Can you find an ad for Marbo Guns? Rich that game looks mint. nice find. marblemiser
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